Sunday May 12, 2024

Not safe at home

November 16, 2021

Rape cases are on the rise in Pakistan. In 2020, almost 3000 children were victims of abuse in Pakistan. A large number of rapes take place in the victims’ own home. Recently, the police in Rawalpindi have arrested two persons for raping their 14-year-old niece at home. A second incident took place in Bari Imam area, where a father allegedly raped his 13-year-old daughter.

Rape cases within families are not even widely reported because it is easier for rapists to exploit children in families, who tend to hide the abuse in fear of social retribution. Children can easily become targets of predators in the family. Families should take more care of their children and keep an eye on the relatives. The government will also have to take more serious steps and raise awareness of this topic which is considered taboo in the country.

Syed Irfan Haider Sherazi
