Monday June 03, 2024

Set the record straight

By our correspondents
November 29, 2015
The concept of madressahs dates back to ancient Islamic times, when it was associated with learning and religious education. However, its reputation began to falter after the Afghan war. Unfortunately, madressahs are now seen as a breeding ground for militants.
The government has decided to register all madressahs as a measure to control extremism in the country. While this is a positive step, I would also recommend that the government should check the credentials of the ulema teaching at these facilities. While all madressahs do not promote sectarian violence, several do because the ulema in charge are not qualified or educated. The knowledge transferred to young minds should be factual and unbiased. Furthermore, all madressahs and ulema should cooperate with the government to set the record straight.
Rumaisa Ali