Monday September 09, 2024

Int’l sepaktakraw events delayed

By Our Correspondent
April 08, 2020

LAHORE: All sepaktakraw activities, training and tournament, the world over have been suspended due to coronavirus pandemic.

International Sepaktakraw Federation's (ISTAF) Secretary General Dato Abdul Haleem bin Kader said that he has sent a letter to all the member countries of International Sepaktakraw Federation to not to hold any kind of Sepaktakraw activities due to the outbreak of pandemic corona virus. Pakistan Sepaktakraw Federation's Secretary Noushad Ahmed Khan said that the Sepaktakraw Referee and Coaching Course which was to be held in last week of April, will now held in June, according to a press release. He said the course will be supervised by International Sepaktakraw Federation's Secretary General Abdul Haleem bin Kader. Noushad said that the selection of players, for World Sepak Takraw Championship to be held in Bangkok in OctNov, will be done after normalization of situation.