Monday June 03, 2024

Nawaz asks party to follow China model to contain corona

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
March 31, 2020

ISLAMABAD: PML-N Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Monday expressed satisfaction over his party’s efforts to confront the coronavirus outbreak in Pakistan and advised the party workers and leaders to follow the China model to curb the spread of the deadly virus and feed the poor without fail.

Nawaz Sharif, who is under treatment in London, conveyed his message to the party leaders that they must continue with their struggle disregarding the government’s approach and indifference to the erupting grave situation.

He impressed upon the workers of the PML-N to help the masses, especially the poor segment of the society, without taking into consideration any political affiliation. He reminded the PML-N leadership to put up efforts for early screening and testing of maximum number of people who were showing slight symptoms of the disease.

He regretted that the government was not displaying seriousness about the severity of the situation and perhaps failed in comprehending it. Nawaz eulogized the role of doctors, nursing staff and hospitals administration for provision of assistance to the patients by putting their own health at risk.

Sources said PML-N President Shahbaz Sharif was regularly submitting report about the actions being taken by the PML-N for eradicating the threat.

Sources said a team of doctors is visiting Nawaz Sharif at his residence and examining his condition regularly. Doctors aren’t satisfied over the improvement in his condition. PML-N Secretary General Ahsan Iqbal, who was in a lengthy meeting with Shahbaz Sharif on Monday, said the government was trying to politicize the situation and hinder the efforts to help the people by creating confusion.