Tuesday June 04, 2024

OKARA City News

By our correspondents
May 20, 2016

Man kills wife over domestic issue

From Our Correspondent

OKARA: A man killed his wife over a domestic dispute at Qasim Kay Mehr on Thursday.

The daughter-in-law of Abbas Shah had been living with her parents after a dispute with her in-laws. Abbas Shah wanted to bring her back but his wife Kausar Bibi resisted. It led to a quarrel between Abbas and his wife Kausar. In a fit of frustration, Abbas allegedly attacked his wife with a brick. As a result, she received serious head injuries and fell unconscious. She was shifted to a hospital in Lahore where she died. Basirpur police have registered a case.

NCHR OFFICERS MEET DCO, DPO: On the directions of the parliament, NCHR commissioners Kishwar Shaheen Awan, Chaudhry Muhammad Shafiq and Ishaq Masih met DCO Sucrat Aman Rana and DPO Muhammad Faisal Rana to obtain information about operation and apprehension of persons in villages of the government land.

The NCHR officers were told that no action or operation was under way against the law-abiding tenants. Rather, the persons challenging the government writ and spreading an atmosphere of terror among the tenants were being apprehended, they were further told. The DPO and the DCO said that the apprehended persons were involved in murder, attempt-to-murder and other cases. Meanwhile, the tenants’ delegations also met the NCHR officers in the DCO office and apprised them of peaceful atmosphere in their villages after the arrest of criminal elements and outlaws. The tenants told them that no human rights violation had occurred in the district.