
Learning about Polycythemia Vera

By Syeda Fareha Naz
Fri, 04, 22

Learning about Polycythemia Vera


Human body is an incredible machine that needs each of its part to work in a certain order to function properly. If pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, one could end up with diabetes; if your stomach produces too much gastric juices, ulcers will exhaust the body. These are just few very common health issues that most people know how to deal with. Now let’s dive into a rare blood disorder, Polycythemia Vera, and learn more about it.

Polycythemia Vera is stimulating and rare blood issue during which there’s a rise within the amount of blood cells, especially the red blood corpuscles. This increase within the amount of blood cells makes the blood thicker. This may cause health issues like strokes or tissue damage and organ damage.

Causes: this is caused by a genetic change which develops during your lifetime. It’s not an acquired or inherited genetic abnormality. Mostly, the rationale why this disease is caused isn’t known.

Symptoms: if an individual has thicker blood than usual, many

problems can occur. The symptoms may vary from person to person, including, inability to concentrate, fatigue or weakness, nosebleeds, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, dizziness, numbness. too much menstrual bleeding, headache, bleeding gums, night sweats, coughing up blood, hypotension, face becomes red and warm, itchy skin, bruising and gout. These side effects might resemble other blood issues or medical conditions. Always see your health care provider for a valid diagnosis.

Diagnosis: after taking your medical history, your healthcare

provider will offer you an actual physical exam. Your provider may additionally take your blood samples. These samples will be checked for the increased number of red blood cells in your body. They’re going to likewise check assuming there are different circumstances that could cause your higher red blood corpuscle count.

Treatment: Your healthcare provider will delineate the simplest therapy for you considering your age, overall health, and clinical history. How sick are you? How well you handle specific medications, treatments, or therapies? What you’d prefer to do? The treatment may include the following:

Phlebotomy: This method eliminates blood from your body. Initially this should be done frequently, like consistently. When enough blood has been taken out to decrease your body’s iron stores (needed to form blood quickly), you will not require this frequently.

Medicines, including chemotherapy, help to prevent your bone marrow from making too many blood cells. They also keep your bloodstream and blood thickness closer to a standard level.

Living with Polycythemia Vera: Polycythemia Vera can be fatal on the off chance that not diagnosed and treated. It can cause blood clumps bringing about a coronary failure, stroke, or aspiratory embolism. Liver and spleen broadening are other potential inconveniences.

There is no cure for Polycythemia Vera, yet legitimate treatment can assist with diminishing or postpone any issues. Work along with your healthcare provider to make a therapy plan that meets your requirements. You also ought to be genuinely dynamic to build your pulse and further develop your bloodstream. Alternate ways of further developing your bloodstream includes: extending your legs and lower legs, wearing warm gloves and socks during chilly climate, avoiding outrageous hotness, drinking lots of water.