Friday February 14, 2025

Republican Congressman sparks controversy with nuking remark on Gaza conflict

GOP Representative clarifies alleged call for nuking Gaza

By Web Desk
April 01, 2024
GOP congressman
GOP congressman 

A GOP Congressman Tim Walberg has sparked a debate by calling for the conflict in Gaza to be resolved as soon as possible in the same fashion as the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. 

In a town hall meeting held on March 25, Congressman Tim Walberg from Michigan reaffirmed that his statements were not literal. When a constituent questioned Walberg regarding humanitarian aid for Gaza, he shared his view and likened it to finishing World War II with the use of atom bombs. 

He furthered this parallel to the Ukrainian conflict, calling for the same treatment. Walberg stressed that he was not proposing using nuclear weapons but it was the metaphor of the missile to convey the urgency of ending the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine without endangering the lives of the American soldiers. 

By standing by his quickness to resolve the conflicts, and reiterating his support for allies, he won the hearts of his opponents. It was a hard time for him as he faced criticism and misunderstanding.

In a social media post where his voice was the only audible component, Walberg responded to a constituent who questioned that, "I don’t think we should spend a dime on humanitarian aid," and he continued further, "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima."Get it over quick."

Subsequently, Walberg released a statement, adding that he was not advocating for the use of nuclear weapons. He underlined his rearing up during the Cold War period and called for the lives of innocent people who were lost in the war zones. 

For example, Walberg pointed out his desire to speedily conclude the crisis in Gaza and Ukraine in order to save lives and the United States' interests. This, however, did not deter him, and the anti-war activists, from reiterating their crusade against the war.