Sunday May 19, 2024

FAKE: Truth behind Jaime Maussan's alien corpses of Peru is very terrestrial

Forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada revealed Maussan's claims about alien mummies at news conference organised by Peruvian Ministry of Culture

By Web Desk
January 13, 2024
A handout picture released by the press office of the Mexican Congress shows an alleged body of a non-human being exhibited at the Mexican Congress in Mexico City on September 12, 2023. — AFP
A handout picture released by the press office of the Mexican Congress shows an alleged body of a 'non-human' being exhibited at the Mexican Congress in Mexico City on September 12, 2023. — AFP

In the end, South America has not yielded any discoveries of alien life as scientists claim that the alien-like entities, whose images of alien mummies presented by journalist and self-described "UFOlogist" Jamie Maussan went viral online last year, are exactly dolls.

The contentious relics were taken in October by Peruvian customs officers to give them to "a Mexican citizen," according to the Associated Press.

Similar mysterious fake artefacts were presented to the Mexican congress last September by  Jaime Maussan, who claimed to have found them close to Peru's historic Nazca Lines and that they were over 700 years old.

In November, Maussan appeared before the Mexican Congress once more, this time accompanied by a team of medical experts who attested to the bodies' former life.

"None of the scientists say [the study results] prove that they are extraterrestrials, but I go further," Maussan said, as per Reuters.

At a news conference held on behalf of the Peruvian Ministry of Culture on Friday, forensic archaeologist Flavio Estrada revealed the findings of the analysis conducted by experts from the prosecutor's office in Peru on the dolls that had been seized.

"They are not extraterrestrials, they are not intraterrestrials, they are not a new species, they are not hybrids, they are none of those things that this group of pseudo-scientists who for six years have been presenting with these elements," Estrada said.

Estrada went on to explain that the humanoid three-fingered dolls were made of earthbound animal and human bones put together with contemporary synthetic glue. Maussan made similar allegations in 2017, so this isn't the first time his claims about an alien corpse have been refuted.