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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's royal exit triggered by defining photo snub

The photo that signaled Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's departure from Royal fold

By Web Desk
September 22, 2023

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to step back from their senior royal roles was influenced by a significant event involving a photograph released by Buckingham Palace. 

As reported by The New York Post, Morton's unauthorised biography, "Meghan: A Hollywood Princess," sheds light on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's perspective on a particular 2020 photo featuring the late Queen Elizabeth II alongside her heirs, including the now-King Charles, Prince William, and Prince George.

Morton suggests that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle felt taken aback by the release of this photo, suspecting that the royal institution was working against them. 

In their view, the evidence seemed to be all around them, leading them to believe that the monarchy's future was secure regardless of their involvement.

The photograph in question was captured in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace. 

In a statement released on January 8, 2020, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially declared their decision to transition into a new role within the royal institution. 

Their statement emphasized their intention to step back from their roles as 'senior' members of the Royal Family and to work towards achieving financial independence, all while remaining committed to fully supporting Her Majesty The Queen.

The couple's plans included splitting their time between the United Kingdom and North America, allowing them to fulfill their responsibilities to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and their patronages.