Friday July 26, 2024

Prince Harry has had temptations ‘coaxed out of him’ to ‘sell more papers’

Prince Harry blames the media, tabloids for trying to coax him into becoming their ‘scapegoat’ for newspaper sales

By Web Desk
June 10, 2023
Prince Harry has had temptations ‘coaxed out of him’ to ‘sell more papers’
Prince Harry has had temptations ‘coaxed out of him’ to ‘sell more papers’

Prince Harry has just thrown the British press and tabloids under the bus for trying to coax him into doing something ‘utterly stupid’ just to sell more newspapers.

The Duke of Sussex made these accusations against the media, during his time in the witness box of the High Court.

According to a report by OK magazine, Prince Harry started the chat off by explaining how he used to be a ‘blank canvas’ for the press, during his younger years.

This allegedly gave them the ‘in’ to “work out what kind of person you are and what kind of problems and temptations you might have.”

“They then start to edge you towards playing the role or roles that suit them best and which sells as many newspapers as possible, especially if you are the ‘spare’ to the ‘heir’,” he also added.

By his 20’s Prince Harry got accused of being a number of things like, the “playboy prince” the “failure” the “dropout”.

At times the “cheat,” the “underage drinker” and even the “irresponsible drug taker” at one point.

Because of this, Prince Harry admits he ended up learning too heavily into the “headlines and stereotypes” attributed to him.

“Because I thought that, if they are printing this rubbish about me and people were believing it, I may as well ‘do the crime,’ so to speak.”

This led the Prince to undergo a “downward spiral” where he was used to “sell a lot of newspapers.”