Friday July 26, 2024

Prince Harry ‘enjoyed so much leeway’ before Meghan Markle: ‘Not all are this lucky’

Prince Harry ‘ungrateful’ duke who ‘never understood the leeway’ he’s enjoyed

By Web Desk
June 10, 2023
Prince Harry ‘enjoyed so much leeway’ before Meghan Markle: ‘Not all are this lucky’
Prince Harry ‘enjoyed so much leeway’ before Meghan Markle: ‘Not all are this lucky’

Experts have issued a dire warning to Prince Harry, considering he ‘enjoyed much more leeway’ than anyone before him with the press.

These accusations against the Duke of Sussex have been shared by associate editor Camilla Tominey.

According to The Telegraph she believes, Prince Harry “seems to have totally forgotten how overwhelmingly positive the coverage was.”

Even when he “made such public mistakes as dressing as a Nazi, smoking cannabis and cavorting in hot tubs in Las Vegas.”

In the eyes of Ms Tominey, “Far from being vilified, such headlines only served to further endear the ‘playboy prince’ to a press and public all too willing to dismiss such antics as ‘Harry being Harry’. Few others in public life ever enjoyed so much leeway.”

“In claiming such stories were ‘hurtful, mean and cruel’, the Duke laid bare his deep sense of unhappiness – not just with the media – but a life he seems now to wish was lived a different way.”