Friday July 26, 2024

Prince Harry a ‘truly careless and callous’ man with ‘deeply upsetting, hurtful’ views

Prince Harry branded ‘deluded’ for ‘living in an alternate world’

By Web Desk
June 07, 2023

Prince Harry a ‘truly careless and callous’ man with ‘deeply upsetting, hurtful’ views

Prince Harry has just been put on blast by Princess Diana’s former butler, for calling him a ‘two-faced s***’.

Mr Burell’s claims have come following Prince Harry’s initial takedown of the former butler.

For those unversed, he called Diana’s former butler a ‘two-faced s***’ during an appearance as a witness for the Mirror Group Newspaper lawsuit hearing. 

At the time the Duke even went as far as to say, “The article accurately sets out the position that my brother was open to fixing a meeting with Paul to discuss his ongoing exposés about our mother.”

“However I had made up my mind about the kind of person I thought Paul was, and was firmly against meeting him.”

Before concluding the allegation, he also added, “Both my brother and I had very strong feelings about how indiscrete Paul had proven to be with the way he had sold our mother's possessions and how he had given numerous interviews about her.”

Mr Burell however, found the Duke’s claims to be hurtful and even went as far as to say, “I’m finding this deeply upsetting and hurtful.”

He shared his thoughts with GB News’ Mark Longhurst and said, “I need to process what has been said.”

Because “I think it is careless and callous, what Harry has said in court.”

The former royal aide also pointed out some shocking tendencies within the Duke and said, “He seems to be living in an alternate world, a world which is deluded. He seems to be able to say whatever he can and whatever he wants to.”