Saturday July 27, 2024

Prince Harry’s dependence on Meghan Markle ‘screams an inner lack’ in himself

Experts believe Prince Harry’s apparent dependence on Meghan Markle ‘screams’ an inner lack’

By Web Desk
May 31, 2023
Prince Harry’s dependence on Meghan Markle ‘screams an inner lack’ in himself
Prince Harry’s dependence on Meghan Markle ‘screams an inner lack’ in himself

Experts have accused Prince Harry of lacking something inside of himself and relying too heavily on Meghan Markle.

These revelations and claims have been issued by British journalist and author Petronella ‘Petsy’ Aspasia Wyatt.

Her insights have been shared with The Telegraph, and commented on how “the Sussexes’ marriage has become the subject of a commentariat sweepstake.”

Ms Wyatt also went as far as to say, “It is an increasingly prevalent view, but one I hold no truck with. Harry and Meghan may be one-trick ponies but I doubt they will ever consciously uncouple.”

This is mainly keeping in mind how “whenever they were apart, people who met them noticed that this apartness diminished rather than enhanced them.”

She also referenced some well-placed sources who live in LA and believe the couple’s dependance on their relationship echoes a “lack in themselves.”

Before concluding, Ms Wyatt also pointed out that anytime the duo was forced to attend crowds alone ‘proved’ that “they did not stand up singly as they did as a couple.”

These revelations have come in response to revelations that Prince Harry has a ‘secret hotel room’ that he keeps paid ‘yearlong’ to disappear to.