Friday July 26, 2024
Ershad Mahmud
Ershad Mahmud

  • December 22, 2023

    Kashmir: what’s next?

    By upholding the decisions of the BJP-led government – which include the abrogation of Article 370, the division of Occupied Kashmir into two...

  • September 26, 2023

    Nijjar’s killing

    The year 2023 has witnessed an historic low in the diplomatic relations between Canada and India. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s...

  • August 03, 2023

    Reversing Article 370

    The Supreme Court of India, under the leadership of Chief Justice DY Chandrachud, has commenced daily hearings on petitions concerning the legality...

  • July 17, 2023

    The Khalistan discourse

    The Khalistan movement has resurfaced and is capturing global attention as activists across Australia, Canada, the UK and the US rally in protest...

  • June 27, 2023

    Dissent in chains

    Since his arrest in November 2021 on false and politically motivated charges, Khurram Parvez – a prominent Kashmiri human rights activist – has...

  • May 09, 2023

    The Goa visit

    Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari’s recent visit to India triggered an intensive debate about the future of bilateral relations between the...

  • April 05, 2023

    Silencing Kashmiri media

    The recent arrest of Kashmiri journalist Irfan Mehraj has sparked widespread concern about the state of press freedom and journalist safety in...

  • December 21, 2022

    Battle for Islamabad

    The local government election campaign in Islamabad is at its most crucial stage. The election will take place on December 31, 2022. Most likely,...

  • December 13, 2022

    AJK: what next?

    Against all odds, the three-phase local government elections have been conducted successfully in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. All political and religious...

  • November 17, 2022

    India’s intentions for AJK and GB

    Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh made a bizarre statement recently in Srinagar regarding Azad Jammu and Kashmir, and Gilgit-Baltistan, saying...

  • October 08, 2022

    Enhancing AJK’s potential

    US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome’s visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir attracted major national and international attention as no other US...

  • August 05, 2022

    Criminalizing dissent in Kashmir

    Since the revocation of Article 370 of the Indian constitution three years ago on August 5, 2019, Indian-held Jammu and Kashmir has become a land...

  • July 01, 2022

    Anatomy of a budget

    The government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir presented a budget of Rs163.7 billion for the next fiscal year in the legislative assembly a few days...

  • June 16, 2022

    A snub to the BJP

    For the first time in the last eight years, the BJP government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has succumbed to foreign pressure and removed...

  • June 01, 2022

    Saving Yasin Malik

    The life imprisonment sentence given to Yasin Malik by an Indian court has brought the Kashmir conflict back into the international spotlight. The...

  • March 30, 2022

    Kashmir at the OIC

    The recently held OIC Council of Foreign Ministers’ conference in Islamabad is a great diplomatic achievement for Pakistan against the backdrop of...

  • February 11, 2022

    A home for the homeless

    The writer is a freelance contributor.It was a mere coincidence that I met 24-year-old Mr Shehzad Latif at a youth training workshop in Mirpur a few...

  • November 28, 2021

    Silencing Khurram Parvez

    The detention of award-winning Kashmiri human rights activist Khurram Parvez by India’s National Investigating Agency has triggered worldwide...

  • October 21, 2021

    Kashmir: closed chapter?

    Recently, Indian Home Minister Amit Shah warned Pakistan that more surgical strikes could be carried out in case of transgressions at the...

  • September 05, 2021

    An uncompromising leader

    Denying a respectful burial and public send-off to iconic Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Gilani is another scar on the face of Indian democracy.The...

  • August 22, 2021

    India’s options

    Unlike Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia; India decided to shut its embassy in Kabul and evacuate the diplomatic staff. Interestingly, the Taliban...

  • August 05, 2021

    Two years of lost autonomy

    Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed unprecedented constitutional, political and socio-economic engineering since the nullification of...

  • May 03, 2021

    Stumbling roadblocks

    Since India and Pakistan have finally embarked on the path of reconciliation and dialogue, it is time to reflect upon and identify the major...

  • April 01, 2021

    Resetting Kashmir priorities

    It is a hard reality that the political landscape of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir is undergoing rapid changes, unparalleled in scale and...

  • March 21, 2021

    Red lines over Kashmir

    The recent ceasefire between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control has kindled a ray of hope in the midst of despair after a long lull but...

  • December 22, 2018

    Kashmir: gaining global sympathy

    This past Saturday was one of the bloodiest days in the history of Kashmir. Seven civilians were killed in a single incident, marking the highest...

  • May 20, 2018

    Ceasefire in Kashmir

    The Indian government has finally instructed its forces to halt military operations in Kashmir and observe a ceasefire during the month of Ramazan,...

  • February 18, 2018

    The quest for empowerment

    A new and empowered political setup is in the offing in Azad Jammu and Kashmir . This arrangement will clip the unprecedented powers of the federal...

  • June 21, 2017

    Breaking the Kashmir deadlock

    All accounts originating from Indian Occupied Kashmir have confirmed that the angry Kashmiri youth is significantly slipping towards violence. Fear...

  • September 20, 2016

    Opportunity in adversity

    The last two months have drastically changed the socio-political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir, bringing India and Pakistan to a confrontational...