Over the past few decades, globalisation has significantly expanded trade and travel. Enhanced communication and ease of movement have led to both...
This is critical time for Pakistan to reconsider its growth trajectory and align with international trends
Scale, speed, and impact of investments are highly uncertain, yet potential for transformative economic and market forces remains significant
Long-term strategic thinking is vital to shaping policies that meet people’s expectations amid adversities
All eyes are on significant challenges and immediate risks, which necessitate comprehensive scrutiny
Their desire is for govt committed to development through high-priority mega-infrastructure, social-sector projects that benefit all citizens
As preparations for 10th Joint Cooperation Committee meeting of the CPEC get into full swing, this year the meeting will be held in an environment...
With strong integration of globalization and economic forces, the Belt and Road Initiative seeks to forge a common destiny for Asia Pacific and...
The rapidly dwindling agricultural land in Pakistan due to heavy horizontal urbanization highlights the requirement for food cultivation in smaller...
The spring sunshine of April 26, 2019 promised a shared future as world leaders gathered together for the Second Belt and Road Forum to chart the...
The poverty alleviation programme is being accorded top priority by the incumbent government. Prime Minister Imran Khan is pressing hard for a new...
Socio-economic development and poverty alleviation are the key focus areas for our government. In the same spirit, the CPEC base has been broadened...
While the world is embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution , Pakistan is gearing up for the industrial development entailed in the upcoming phase...
With new trends and norms being adopted across the globe, it has been witnessed that China’s trends and experience have tremendous lessons on...
Effective industrialisation has the potential to become a strong engine of growth, leading to sustainable economic development,...
Prime Minister Imran Khan’s maiden visit to China defined a new chapter in bilateral relations between both countries and delineated the future...
Asians are living in exciting times. Transport infrastructure is being built at a rapid pace and regional interconnectivity is on the rise. In this...
CPEC is considered to be an opportunity that will be stimulus to our economic growth and will usher a new era of industrial development in Pakistan....
Water is a vital amenity and a major source for sustainable development of any economy. In Pakistan, the debate on water and water resource...
In today’s changing world, the application of cutting edge technology is fast transforming the governing pattern. The growing role of social media...
Pakistan has exhibited a remarkable economic performance over the past three years. Domestic and international credit-ranking agencies along with...
There is more than one reason to celebrate as Pakistan enters yet another year since the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor agreements were signed.As...
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech in China’s 19th National Congress Party meeting on October 18 highlighted achievements and...