Shift in university priorities to simple publication metrics developed a culture of junk publications
Few university leaders are dynamic enough to develop plan to generate additional revenue for their institutions
Automation enables mass production of goods to achieve greater efficiencies and allows pricing them within purchasing power of more consumers
Distancing madrassas from the education sector could jeopardise this path for millions of madrassa students
For last eight years, HEC's budget has been virtually stagnant in absolute terms
Statista Market Insights put Pakistan’s total book sales at a paltry $60 million
Students, progressive groups – let’s call them the ‘Toothless’ – are usually at receiving end
If they had, his reasoning went, someone would have seen them by now
In one university , the statutory positions of controller, registrar, and treasurer have not been filled since November 2022
If mass of material is below this threshold , reaction will not be self-sustaining and fizzle out
Six universities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are operating without any VC at all
Public schools are inexpensive in relative, and arguably absolute, terms
A representational image showing the building of Bacha Khan Medical College in Mardan. — BKMC/Facebook/FileImagine this: A bully enters a man’s...
Decision was disseminated via letter to VCs, rectors, and heads of all higher education institutions in Pakistan
We have known for decades that there is a need to broaden the base of taxpayers in the country
For as long as I can remember, among engineering disciplines, electrical engineering has been the top choice
2024 Global Skills Report report places Pakistan at 84 out of larger cohort of 109 countries in global skills proficiency rankings
SIFC announced that federal government would now require provinces to match federal contributions to higher education
April saw the release of Meta’s Llama 3 generative large language model, notable for being open-source
The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority headquarters can be seen in this picture released on November 4, 2021. — Facebook/NEPRAWould you...
Today, a total of 11,000 children are attending Daanish schools in Punjab
Metropabad was a sought-after place to live, which is why NUT – a public university – was fortunate to attract some of the most qualified...
Since 2017, the number of public universities has grown by 53 per cent
Learning achievement in Urdu, Sindhi, and Math at 5th grade level in most provinces and districts has gone down in the 2023 survey
I hope and pray that AI revolution does not become latest one in which we are relegated to end users of other people’s labour
I reviewed manifestos of three major parties – PML-N, PPP, and PTI – that have held power at some points in past
Escalating situation by responding with physical violence and inviting violence in turn
I put down some of my thoughts on issue last year in an op-ed in these pages Are Pakistanis really leaving September 8, 2023
How, you may wonder, are changes in household spending in the US relevant to us here in Pakistan?
Sayre’s law, named for Columbia University political scientist Wallace Stanley Sayre, states that “The politics of the university are so intense...
I asked 12 year-old Sultan to read from his Urdu textbook. He struggled to read a simple sentence . While he eventually read the sentence, he could...
The image shows a workplace in the US. — AFP FileA few months ago, these pages carried an op-ed of mine that attempted to provide some insights...
A picture taken from Israel's southern city of Sderot shows rockets fired from Gaza towards Israel on October 28, 2023. — AFPSince Israel began...
A person can be seen making hand gestures while speaking in a professional setting. — Unsplash/FileWhen you become aware of a problem, you can...
Around the world, universities have multiple goals. Core among them remains teaching in degree programmes to pass on knowledge, make young adults...
Fall, the time when millions of students all over the world – including Pakistan – will start their college journeys, is upon us. Many will be...
A few weeks ago, the caretaker prime minister’s soundbite about educated Pakistanis who choose to settle abroad attracted public ire.Coming so...
A few weeks ago, A-level students in Pakistan and the region received their grades for the May/June 2023 exam session. The results came as a shock...
Public universities are facing multiple challenges that we keep hearing about, ranging in nature from academic, administrative, managerial,...
At the beginning of this year, I contributed an op-ed about how in its waning days, members of the Punjab Assembly went on a university charter...
What happens when you put a man in charge of a university, grant him virtually unchecked power over staff and faculty who in turn have unchecked...
I recently had the opportunity to visit Incheon in South Korea’s greater Seoul area. I spent time at the Incheon Global Campus, a global education...
The vast majority of 240-odd universities in the country are failing both of their missions: the idealistic goal of learning for learning’s sake,...
Today’s university vice-chancellors are facing a number of challenges. The number one challenge by far that universities are grappling with,...
I was on a road trip to the northern areas with friends. We were at a rest stop, our black off-road utility vehicle parked on the side of the road,...
Some people like superhero movies while others prefer horror movies. My favourite category of movies are tales of founders of companies that built...
International applicants to post-graduate programmes at universities in developed countries have long understood that having even a single...
The visuals coming out of Pakistan over the last week were jarring and alarming. Uncertainty is reigning. In the face of the tyranny of the urgent,...
Large Language Models , the guts of chatbots like ChatGPT, are having their moment right now. The rise of chatbots has brought forth numerous...