Sunday May 05, 2024

Does poverty give rise to crime?

By Zafar Alam Sarwar
June 07, 2018

Is it true the first crime of the world was committed by a son of Adam? Who murdered whom, and why? What was the relationship between the killer and the killed? Such are the questions which many people not educated up to college level but skilled in some technical fields ask each other when they meet in the evening after a hectic search for a better job.

They include some youth who say their services were hired by an authority engaged in construction of roads and buildings more than five years ago, but not yet regularized in spite of punctuality, diligence and hard work.

"Such an unpleasant social treatment and, frankly speaking, bitter fact of economic injustice on part of high-ups in our organizations has annoyed us, but we can't do anything; we've no 'sifarash' (influential recommendation); we won't think of picking anyone's pocket, nor shall we loot and murder anyone; we can only pray to God to save us from horrible hike in food and energy prices and terrifying poverty staring at us," that is how frustrated youths sum up their feelings.

Elders sitting close to angry youths in the same hotel listen to them patiently and ask them to study the Quran which provides answers to their questions, even those relating to everybody's social and economic life. After all, that's Almighty God who planned provision of 'roti', water, milk and meat for Adam and his future generations. The fact has been explained by the Quran.

God is always bounteous in providing by multiple means what is essential for leading a comfortable human life. If there is any discomfort and unjust distribution of the Nature's gifts, it is the wrongdoing of persons at the helm.

A fair administrative system based on the principle of liberty, equality and fraternity as envisioned by the father of the nation in the light of the Islamic teachings is the only solution to social and economic problems and the right way to eradicate poverty.

There is another perspective of the current situation in the twin cities. People from different walks of life, especially of the lower middle and the poor class, while sharing each other's observations and experiences, discuss ways and means to solve their social and economic problems.

For their miseries they blame old class system by which landlords and capitalists flourish and continue to fatten themselves at "our expense."

"No Upper and Upper Middle Class man has ever given more time, energy and money in times of war imposed on our motherland, it's we who bear financial burden of the government and the state and pay taxes for survival, and join hands with soldiers to defend the country," assert the suffering masses.

"Nature has given us everything but our leaders, whoever they may be, have deprived us of our social and economic rights, we have been hit by abnormal rise in the cost of living. Who is responsible for that tyranny?" that's the question of the unemployed youth.
