
Ambitious and suave - Osama Tahir

By Tooba Ghani
Fri, 01, 20

Social media has given me an insight as to how people perceive me or my work. Every week, there is a new revelation. When we think the trend is of a certain kind, the digital medium says otherwise....


What does success mean to you?

To be proud of yourself!

Something you learned early   in your career?

Persistence is the key to do well as an actor; without it, talent means nothing.

Did you get any formal education for this career? Can you recommend institutes where young people can learn acting?

Unfortunately, I didn’t get any formal education for this career. One reputable place is National Academy of Performing Arts in Karachi where extremely talented people teach acting.

Do you believe good looks and connections are the only things that make a star?

Looks and connections help, but they’re not the only things. What I think is hard work is all you need to become a successful actor.

How has social media changed things for you?

Social media has given me an insight as to how people perceive me or my work. Every week, there is a new revelation. When we think the trend is of a certain kind, the digital medium says otherwise.

The funniest thing or gossip you have heard about yourself

That I’m related to actors Zahid Ahmed and Affan Waheed.

Reflecting on your career, what lessons have you learned and how have they helped you evolve?

You never know what may click, so whatever you do, you have to give it your all.

How do you deal with self doubt?

It’s always good to keep a check on yourself, but if I start doubting myself too much, I just switch my brain off and continue with my work.

Advice for aspiring actors.

Work. You’re only as good as your work in the field.


The best thing about being a teenager was

Basketball in the evenings

The worst thing about being a teenager was

Coming home after playing basketball

I was always listening to

Linkin Park. A lot!

My favourite actor

Too many to name

My favourite singer

Too many to name

My favourite super hero

I don’t have a favourite super hero! In fact, it keeps changing for me. I don’t know everything about every character, so when some new qualities about some other character surfaces, I began to admire the new character till I learn something else about some other character.

My favourite movie

How do I answer this one? Hundreds of them!

My favourite book

I wish I had a favourite book

My closet was full of

Empty hangers

My friends were

Kind and helpful

What hurt me the most was

Not having control over your life

My dream was to become

Successful in whatever I choose to do

Relations with family were


My school was

A place filled with memories

My favourite subject was


My least favourite subject was


I couldn’t stand

Not being able to walk on tiles perfectly

My favourite food

Daal chawal and qeema

My favourite hangout

School parking lot

My favourite sport was


Thing I couldn’t live without


By Tooba Ghani