
A guide by George Weasley

By Syeda Fatima Hashmi
Fri, 07, 17

Wizards, Witches, Muggles and Squibs, hope you’re doing well-or if you aren’t then there are love potions available at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes to get things started in your life.


Wizards, Witches, Muggles and Squibs, hope you’re doing well-or if you aren’t then there are love potions available at Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes to get things started in your life.A guide by George Weasley

So folks, I have decided to pen down (or quill down?) some lessons that I learnt that are a source of inspiration. Learning how to use a wand- there are many uses of that stick though, I tell you. Plus, if I become an established journalist who knows I could become the editor of Daily Prophet; it’s a win-win, really.

Anyhow, allow me to enlighten you about my half as intelligent brother and myself. Now you can call us twins, troublemakers-in-Chief, Gred and Forge or ‘those red-headed *****’- insert any imaginative word of your choice but it doesn’t take away from the fact that we were, are and will always be the most charming wizards. (Please make sure you say this when you meet a Veela.)

First off, I want to eradicate the misconception that it’s annoying to have a twin because it’s really not. I mean, it always helps to have someone else with you when Mum is screaming her head off for trying to make your younger brother take an Unbreakable Vow when he was five (it wasn’t our fault, he was asking for it.) Or to have someone there with you to throw a Dungbomb, and cause a diversion while you can easily fulfill your duty. True story; we stole the Marauder’s Map from Filch’s office that way.

Now that’s out of the way, let’s get started with some guidelines, which hopefully most of you will be able to understand unless you’re dimwitted like people who’re named Ronald.

Inner creativity

Never quell your inner creativity, folks. If I would have ever stopped thinking out of the box, I don’t think me and Fred would have done half the things that we did. I mean yes, we didn’t become Head Boy or Prefect or get many OWLs much to the disdain of Mum but we used our cerebrum for great things. We invented those great things. The hard truth is that many people are brilliant at studies and they have a number of trophies to prove that, but they’re just good at learning the subject matter, not using it practically in the real world; just because they learn to pass, not to apply. Look at us, for instance, we didn’t literally learn the subject matter, however, what we did learn in Hogwarts, we actually used it in the future. Like we learnt how excruciatingly painful it is to not be able to eavesdrop on the opponent team players’ conversations before a mega Quidditch game so we invented the Extendable Ears; we also understood the struggle of students trying to stay awake in an immensely boring History of Magic class and there you have it, the Skiving Snackboxes were devised- an easy and quick way to get out of class. The point is use your magic creatively and unconventionally, practice what you learn and the world is yours to conquer. Figuratively; don’t get it into your head to conquer the world literally and split your soul into parts, we’ve had enough of that.

Time management

Get this into your head: if you get 12 OWLs and still don’t get into Gringotts or Ministry of Magic, it’s alright. It’s bound to hurt if you’ve worked so hard for it but many a times some things are just meant to be, many a times we aren’t meant to build someone else’s dream, we’re meant to build our own. I would strongly advise you to use your contacts, lighten up that money bag and start up something of your own. Understandably, it’s not easy setting up a business and money serves as a big issue; Fred and I got monetary help from a friend which made it easy for us to start the joke shop but there are ways you can arrange funds, too. If you have a proper game plan and a purpose as to what you want to achieve with the initiative, you really can do it. A guide by George WeasleyYou need to remember folks that time is Galleons; if you waste your time brooding over the past, you’re ruining your future too.


I’ve been trying to delay writing about this but I reckon now’s the time to do it. I mentioned Mum a couple of times before and some other family members but let me properly introduce them to you. So I have grown up in a family of nine; we were seven siblings and Mum and Dad. Living in a huge family has its pros and cons; on one hand, you can easily try the newly learnt hex on each of your siblings and master it - in hindsight, I think that’s how Ginny mastered the Bat-Bogey Hexes- on the other hand, it becomes a big problem living with so many different and conflicting personalities. Like every other family, we had our differences, too, but that is what I want to highlight here folks, no matter how much you fight with them or loathe them, they’ll always be there for you no matter what. They’ll be the first to forgive you, reprimand you on your mistakes and help in rectifying them.

(I’m sure Mum is reading this and wiping her tears while listening to Celestina Warbeck. I love you too, Mum.)

While we’re on the topic of family, I’d like to tell you guys something. I’ve talked about Fred earlier and I talk about him as if he’s here with me, but in reality, I lost him 10 years ago in the war against You-Know-Who. However, I don’t believe he’s gone because I feel his presence whenever I invent a new product for our shop or when someone tells me how much they benefitted from our items; I know he shares the sense of satisfaction with me. Wherever you are, rest in peace, brother.

That’s it for now, folks. Mum will be very proud that I finally did something useful with my life by writing an article; if you feel the same way and you liked reading this so do come and visit my shop in Diagon Alley. Cheers!