Daily horoscope for Friday, August 3, 2018

Daily horoscope for Friday, August 3, 2018. What kind of day will you have today? To find out what the star say, read the forecast given for your birth sign.

By Web Desk
August 03, 2018

Horoscope: What kind of day will you have today? To find out what the star say, read the forecast given for your birth sign.



(March 21-April 19)

You feel the need to be yourself now, which is why it’s hard to control your feelings. In love relationships, you will feel greater emotional depth.


(April 20-May 20)

You want to withdraw from others today because you need peace and quiet. Because you’ve been in the public eye lately, you need a breather. (Ya think?)


(May 21-June 20)

Your contact with friends is important today. In fact, you might feel parental or nurturing to someone. (You’ll also be jealous a friend pays more attention to someone else.)


(June 21-July 22)

The details of your private life might be made public today, especially in the eyes of bosses, parents and VIPs. Knowing this, you might want to do a little damage control.


(July 23-Aug. 22)

You have a strong urge to get away from it all. Therefore, travel if you can, or explore more of life through books, film or talking to people from other countries.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

All your encounters with others are intense today. (Actually, they’ve been intense for the past 48 hours.) Just be cool. This is nothing you can’t handle. (And it’s gone by tomorrow.)


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Conflicts with others might be quite emotional because the Moon is opposite your sign today. In part, this is because your partnerships or friendships seem so important today, whereas some days you hardly think about them.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Do whatever you can to get better organized today, because it will make you feel happy. You want to feel you’re on top of your game.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

This is a flirtatious, playful day! Enjoy sports, movies, the arts and playful times with children.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

If you have a chance to cocoon at home today, you’ll be happy. This is a perfect day to get away from the busyness of the world around you.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

A busy day! You’ve got places to go, things to do, people to see. Time spent with siblings andneighbors will be particularly important. Enjoy short trips.


(Feb. 19-Mar 20)

Your focus is on money and cash flow today. And yes, why is there always so much month left at the end of the money?
