The capitalist maxim of higher demand fueling higher prices is very much at work here
Mass shootings are good for gun sales. In the days following the horrific massacre of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, firearm...
Republican officials in Texas are celebrating a major political win after successfully suing the federal government over the Deferred Action for...
Economists and analysts have gotten used to presenting facts from the perspective of private employers and their lobbyists. The American public is...
The United States in 2016 signed a 10-year agreement with Israel promising to give $38 billion in taxpayer funds as military aid to a nation that...
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc on people’s lives, President Joe Biden has been on a victory tour to promote the American...
There is a scene in the new film “Judas and the Black Messiah,” directed by Shaka King and produced by Ryan Coogler, in which Chairman Fred...
During his campaign, Biden endorsed canceling $10,000 per person of student loan debt. Yet, as soon as he won the election, Biden called on Congress...
The US government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that childcare workers in the nation have a median salary of just over $24,000 a year –...
The Washington Post’s Afghanistan Papers, detailing a true history of the nation’s longest official war, reveals nothing new about the war’s...
Nearly four years ago, the devastating photos of a Syrian toddler named Alan Kurdi, whose little body had washed ashore in Turkey, shocked the...
The phenomenon of climate change invokes images of black smoke billowing out of smokestacks, emissions from exhaust pipes on an endless highway of...
The Trump administration’s use of tear gas at the US border with Mexico over the weekend has rightfully generated outrage. Just as the photo of a...
Unprecedented amounts of money have flowed into the 2018 midterm elections, and voters are being bombarded with TV commercials and mailers that use...
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced that the US would reduce the cap on its refugee program to a new low of 30,000 people in 2019. This is...
‘Storm of a lifetime’ is how the National Weather Service in Wilmington, NC, described Hurricane Florence as it came lumbering across the...
Immigrants are the “enemy” in Donald Trump’s America. The president has made the arrest, detention and deportation of immigrants the...
TV star Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet about Valerie Jarrett is a symbol of just how overtly the racist dehumanization of people of color continues...
In the aftermath of the sexual assault allegations against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, Americans are realizing that they live in a nation that...
The longest war in modern US history approaches its 16th anniversary Saturday, and so far there is no end in sight. The war in Afghanistan began in...