Friday July 26, 2024
Sherry Rehman
Sherry Rehman

  • December 27, 2023

    Benazir and the Black Swan

    When a black swan event hits the world, people often recall it in two ways. One is a public record that is pieced together to become what we call...

  • October 26, 2023

    Legacy of courage

    Picture of late Begum Nusrat Bhutto. — Pakistan Peoples Party-Shaheed Bhutto official website.On October 23, 2011, Begum Nusrat Bhutto’s death...

  • October 14, 2023

    What happens in Gaza won’t stay in Gaza

    Palestinians search for victims under rubble after Israeli strikes on Rafah in southern Gaza. — AFP/FileTerrorism is condemnable in any shape or...

  • October 01, 2023

    The other time bomb

    Pakistan is a nation focused on the crisis du jour. Crises like ‘climate change, environment and population’ are only mentioned occasionally in...

  • September 23, 2023

    Navigating New York

    Navigating multilateralism in September is about the same as negotiating gridlock in New York. As the 78th session of the UN General assembly...

  • September 16, 2023

    The climate-hunger nexus

    Pathways to resilience are never easy, but as global and national stock takes suggest, it is the only way forward for countries seeking to save...

  • September 09, 2023

    Reclaiming the air we breathe

    Air pollution is not Pakistan’s latest killer, but it has certainly become a serial one. For a country with low emissions on a global scale, our...

  • September 02, 2023

    Is climate a security issue?

    As the planet warms to red every summer, the era of the Anthropocene, or the man-made century, is turning out to be an existential challenge to...

  • August 26, 2023

    Securing Pakistan’s water

    Every summer, Pakistan braces for flooding as the monsoon season and growing summer heatwaves cascade to trigger a series of flood emergencies all...

  • August 19, 2023

    Financing climate action

    The global climate crisis has left no country untouched, but it is the developing world that is facing the most severe impacts. For countries like...

  • August 15, 2023

    Our climate journey in 16 months: Part - II

    As Pakistan continued reeling from the exogenous shock of accelerated climate impacts, it also became clear to many of us that global warming was...

  • August 14, 2023

    Pakistan’s climate journey in 16 months: Part - I

    A small anecdote sums up the cognitive confusion and lack of social or political investment about the environment and climate change in high places...

  • November 05, 2022

    COP27: a race against time

    As Pakistan goes into the 27th Conference of Parties at Sharm-al-Shaikh, Egypt, it is important to address a few challenges squarely, while...

  • April 09, 2022

    Five days in history

    For five long days, we watched with bated breath as five honourable judges of the Supreme Court conducted inquisitorial proceedings on the suo-motu...

  • March 12, 2022

    The Awami March: an insider’s view

    When Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said he wanted the PPP to embark on a long march through the length of Pakistan, from Karachi to Islamabad, in a party...

  • February 24, 2022

    A fragile stalemate on the LoC

    In the policy permafrost of Indo-Pak relations, not much is expected to move towards resolution through diplomatic engagement. There is no formal...

  • November 09, 2021

    Crisis in Afghanistan

    The growing risk of an unstable Afghanistan is not a new worry. Despite the fact that the Taliban regime is unable to bridge the gap between...

  • April 02, 2021

    Terms for peace

    As Pakistan lurches through its worst wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, talk of peace with India fuels a fresh round of speculation about prospects and...

  • August 05, 2020

    The forgotten people

    For Kashmiris, a string of black days punctuate the twilight of daily state atrocities that now define their lives. August 5, 2019 is only one of...

  • July 09, 2020

    Pakistan and the new great game

    As the China-India conflict in the Himalayas blows hot and blows cold, Islamabad’s studied reticence has so far only signaled quiet alarm. While...

  • June 04, 2020

    Managing the stand-off

    The writer is the PPP parliamentary leader in the Senate, president of the Jinnah Institute, and served as Pakistan’s ambassador to the US and as...

  • May 09, 2020

    Will Covid-19 reshape Afghan peace?

    The writer is the PPP parliamentary leader in the Senate, president of the Jinnah Institute, and served as Pakistan’s ambassador to the...

  • April 04, 2020

    Will the pandemic bring peace?

    A global pandemic that moves with lightning speed to spread its deadly payload across borders, communities and class, demands a reconsideration at...

  • March 09, 2020

    Womansplaining rights

    As women celebrate their womanhood on March 8, and bond in solidarity to define the rights to their lives and choices, many people in Pakistan still...

  • March 03, 2020

    Three tsunamis for Pakistan

    Like many parts of the world, Pakistan is going through a populist moment. A key trait of such campaigns is big-ticket promises of transformational...

  • January 16, 2019

    Child marriage and the law

    Pakistan’s children are its future. Yet not only is this generation put to work in homes, fields and factories, they are also the silent objects...

  • July 30, 2016

    The battle over dishonour

    The heinous murder of social media star Qandeel Baloch has triggered a long-overdue wave of introspection in Pakistan about how it treats its women....

  • July 03, 2016

    Anger is not a policy

    In the middle of a corruption scandal linked to the Panama Papers disclosures, Pakistan’s embattled government has recently been going through...