Saturday July 27, 2024
Sara Danial

  • June 25, 2024

    Reviving the love for books

    This week You! takes a look at how two incredible Pakistani women are harnessing the power of technology to work towards encouraging the habit of...

  • March 05, 2024

    Empowerment at the forefront

    As we commemorate International Women’s Day, we take pride in sharing a few inspiring stories of fearless women. Read on…

  • February 27, 2024


    The incidence of breast cancer among women under the age of 40 has risen at an alarming rate in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal…

  • February 13, 2024

    From taste to scent…

    This week You! is in conversation with Maria and Mahwish, two enterprising entrepreneurs who have conquered the hearts of Karachiites with their...

  • January 10, 2024

    Looking ahead to 2024

    Alongside an ambiguous blend of unemployment and inflation, investors face numerous other potential risks in 2024

  • January 02, 2024

    Women who make a difference…

    This week You! highlights a few extraordinary women who have contributed towards a fairer society - advocating for gender equality and challenging...

  • December 29, 2023

    When breath becomes a luxury

    As smog envelops Lahore, it triggers a political blame game. Pakistan maintains a consistent presence among the world’s most polluted countries,...

  • December 19, 2023

    Sustainable recovery

    In the wake of climate change challenges and the pressing need for global sustainability, Pakistan stands at a critical juncture. The country faces...

  • November 21, 2023

    “Women’s inclusion in the workforce is vital to change cultural norms” – Hassan Arshad

    Women are without a doubt their own greatest champions, but many men are also lending their support to the cause of gender equality. Keeping this in...

  • October 31, 2023


    Women journalists have played a significant role in shaping the media industry, from reporting on important events to advocating for gender equality...

  • September 05, 2023

    The torchbearers

    Teachers are regarded as life coaches. They play a profound role in fostering education. However, in Pakistan, teachers face a number of issues...

  • August 03, 2023

    The rise of fintech

    The banking sector in Pakistan has witnessed exceptional growth, particularly during the first quarter of 2023. A performance review by JS Global...

  • May 09, 2023


    The beautiful and unparalleled bond of love shared between kids and mothers is honoured and celebrated on Mother’s Day, every year in May. This...

  • March 07, 2023


    On the occasion of International Women’s Day, You! talks to three amazing women who are doing remarkable work in the field of STEM…

  • December 06, 2022

    DISCOs and price hikes

    The rising costs of electricity due to the non-availability of the right kind of fuel is irking consumers. DISCOs are helpless as the whole process...

  • December 06, 2022


    Historically, women have played a vital role in many developing economies, struggling to build a pathway out of poverty for themselves and the...

  • December 06, 2022

    Naz Khan – transforming leadership

    In an exclusive interview with You! magazine Naz Khan, Chief Strategy Officer at K-Electric, talks about innovation and critical thinking in...

  • November 23, 2022

    Uplifting women

    We welcomed the 21st century with great optimism. We entered it on the foundation of the Millennium Development Goals to plan a more prosperous way...

  • November 15, 2022

    Paving the way for other women entrepreneurs...

    Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is observed on November 19 every year, to celebrate the contribution of women entrepreneurs towards economic growth....

  • November 08, 2022

    Graceful protest

    Democracies thrive on the value of public opinion and its empowerment by ensuring its inclusion and reflection government policies.Posters in public...

  • October 03, 2022

    Energy efficiency

    Pakistan faces the worst repercussions of the climate crisis despite its small carbon footprint. The country is geographically connected to the roof...

  • September 27, 2022

    Rethinking Tourism

    In light of World Tourism Day, You! has rounded up some of the best vacation destinations in Europe. So read on and find out the top spots to add to...

  • September 21, 2022

    Karachi’s lost glory

    A metropolis usually features neat sidewalks, clean pavements, planned housing and efficient installation of utility infrastructure. Once known for...