Friday July 26, 2024
Ramzy Baroud
Ramzy Baroud

  • October 19, 2023

    A cause for the world

    Such terminology was not a mere scare tactic aimed at breaking the spirit of Palestinians and Arabs alike. Israel believed this

  • May 28, 2023

    Unbreakable bond?

    Though the United States remains a strong supporter of Israel, there are some indications that the supposed ‘unbreakable bond’ with Tel Aviv is...

  • December 19, 2022

    How the UN is correcting an historical wrong

    The next Nakba Day will be officially commemorated by the United Nations General Assembly on May 15, 2023. The decision by the world’s largest...

  • December 05, 2022

    Deliberate ambiguity

    As western countries are floating the theory that Russia could escalate its conflict with Ukraine to a nuclear war, many western governments...

  • November 11, 2022

    Superiority complex

    The European Union’s Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell is not particularly perceived by the EU’s political elite or mainstream media as a...

  • July 30, 2022

    The real problem

    As horrific as Trump’s years were in terms of undermining a just resolution to the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Biden’s policies are but a...

  • July 22, 2022

    The rise of BRICS

    The G7 summit in Elmau, Germany, June 26-28, and the NATO summit in Madrid, Spain, two days later, were practically useless in terms of providing...

  • July 02, 2022

    The Palestinian struggle

    Years before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, US media introduced many new characters, promoting them as ‘experts’ who helped ratchet up...

  • June 27, 2022

    Palestine’s victories

    In November 2006, the Israeli military prevented all Palestine-based footballers from participating in the final match of the Asian Football...

  • June 17, 2022

    Geopolitical reordering

    The geopolitical reordering of the world cannot simply be achieved through war or challenging the West’s political influence in its various global...

  • June 11, 2022

    Palestine’s resistance model

    What took place between May 2021 and May 2022 is nothing less than a paradigm shift in Palestinian resistance. Thanks to the popular and inclusive...

  • June 06, 2022

    Annexation strategy

    The Israeli Court’s decision regarding Masafer Yatta, which is already being carried out with the expulsion of the Najjar family on May 11, is an...

  • May 26, 2022

    Inescapable facts

    Israel’s coalition government of right-wing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is on the verge of collapse, which is unsurprising. Israeli politics,...

  • May 17, 2022

    Neocolonial oppression

    The Russia-Ukraine war has quickly turned into a global conflict. One of the likely outcomes of this war is the very redefinition of the current...

  • May 08, 2022

    Costs of the Ukraine war

    While international news headlines remain largely focused on the war in Ukraine, little attention is given to the horrific consequences of the war...

  • April 25, 2022

    Food crisis

    A friend, a young journalist in Gaza, Mohammed Rafik Mhawesh, told me that food prices in the besieged Strip have skyrocketed in recent weeks and...

  • April 09, 2022

    Rewriting history?

    When a gruesome six-minute video of Ukrainian soldiers shooting and torturing handcuffed and tied up Russian soldiers circulated online, outraged...

  • April 02, 2022

    Gaza’s water crisis

    “The water is back,” one family member would announce in a mix of excitement and panic, often very late at night. The moment such an...

  • March 30, 2022

    Balancing act

    Israel’s balancing act in the Russia-Ukraine war is likely to falter soon, simply because the resulting Nato-Russia conflict is expected to last...

  • March 26, 2022

    New great game

    How the tables have turned. A high-level US delegation visited Venezuela on March 5, hoping to repair economic ties with Caracas. Venezuela, one of...

  • March 19, 2022

    Global storm

    A new global geopolitical game is in formation, and the Middle East, as is often the case, will be directly impacted by it in terms of possible new...

  • March 16, 2022


    Israel’s war on Palestinian sports is as old as the Israeli state itself. For Palestinians, sport is a critical aspect of their popular culture,...

  • March 05, 2022

    Everyday victories

    Can Israel be pressured? Or is Tel Aviv the only exception to the global political order in which every country, big or small, is subjected to...

  • February 26, 2022

    Anti-apartheid struggle

    When Nelson Mandela was freed from his Robben Island prison on February 11, 1991, my family, friends and neighbors followed the event with keen...

  • February 21, 2022

    Abandoning Palestine

    The current split in the African Union over Israel’s Observer membership status is emblematic of a larger conflict that could potentially split...

  • February 16, 2022

    Long-hidden truths

    A succession of events in recent weeks all point to the inescapable fact that nearly 75 years of Israel’s painstaking efforts aimed at hiding the...

  • January 26, 2022

    Israel’s ‘Facebook Law’

    It is ironic that even former right-wing Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, had rejected a Knesset bill which proposed to give the...

  • January 20, 2022

    The legacy of Tutu

    Long before intersectionality became a prevailing concept which helped delineate the relationship between various marginalized and oppressed groups,...

  • January 13, 2022

    A year of hope?

    Although 2021 is now behind us, there are many issues that will linger for a while, or much longer, and will certainly dominate much of the news in...

  • January 04, 2022

    Open-fire policy

    At the outset, the Israeli military decision to revise its open-fire policies in the occupied West Bank seems puzzling. What would be the logic of...

  • December 27, 2021


    The result of a vote, on December 14, in the US House of Representatives regarding the combating of Islamophobia, may, possibly, appear to be a...

  • December 25, 2021

    What Israel knew

    Haaretz’s investigative report – ‘Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in ’48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew’ – is a...

  • December 17, 2021

    The Omicron shame

    Helping Africa in its critical fight against the pandemic should have been done in a more systematic fashion as part of an inclusive global...

  • December 06, 2021

    Endless occupation

    The Belgian government’s decision on November 25 to label products made in illegal Israeli Jewish settlements is welcome, although it will...

  • November 30, 2021

    Palestinian voices

    When Palestinians began registering in world consciousness as a people with a legitimate claim to freedom, they were not immediately endowed with...

  • November 20, 2021

    Nothing but experiments

    On November 8, The Washington Post revealed an Israeli mass surveillance operation, which uses ‘Blue Wolf’ technology to create a massive...

  • November 15, 2021

    Empty words

    In his speech at the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow, Israel’s rightwing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett pushed the Israeli brand of...

  • October 21, 2021

    Out of Africa

    What truly matters is not that an author of African origin has finally won the award after the Academy’s neglect of Africa for nearly fifteen...

  • October 11, 2021

    The new norm

    Speaking out against the Israeli occupation of Palestine is no longer taboo among elected US politicians.Once upon a time, speaking out against...

  • September 20, 2021

    Security myths

    Time after time, resisting Palestinians have made a mockery of Israel’s security myths. The resistance in Gaza has exponentially grown in its...

  • August 16, 2021

    Greed and consumption

    Rome is scorching hot. This beautiful city is becoming unbearable for other reasons, too. Though every corner of the beaming metropolis is a...

  • August 07, 2021

    Politics of cheering

    Before Palestine’s first Olympic participation in 1996, with only one athlete, Majed Abu Marahi, we cheered – we still do – for all the...

  • August 03, 2021

    Health inequality

    According to a July 15 World Health Organization report, an estimated “23 million children missed out on basic vaccines through routine...

  • June 30, 2021

    Anti-Muslim terror

    A report submitted by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief in November last year showed that a majority of...

  • June 02, 2021

    Palestinian resistance

    The ceasefire on May 21 has, for now, brought the Israeli war on Gaza to an end. However, this ceasefire is not permanent and constant Israeli...

  • May 20, 2021

    Unity at last

    Right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could never have anticipated that a routine act of ethnic cleansing in East Jerusalem’s...

  • March 11, 2021

    An end to torture?

    “That’s certainly our goal and our intention.” This was the non-committal answer given by White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, when, on...

  • February 12, 2021

    Ignorance of history

    Claims made by Democratic New York City mayoral candidate, Andrew Yang, in a recent op-ed in the Jewish weekly, ‘The Forward’, point to the...

  • January 10, 2021

    Fighting back

    2020 will go down in history as the year that terminated the American-sponsored ‘peace process’. While 2021 will not reverse the monumental...

  • December 21, 2020

    Global racism

    The notion that the Covid-19 pandemic was ‘the great equalizer’ should be dead and buried by now. If anything, the lethal disease is another...