Friday July 26, 2024
Farrukh Javed Abbasi

  • January 05, 2024

    Representing Balochistan

    Addressing the issue of missing persons necessitates enhanced information and corresponding actions

  • November 29, 2023

    Election 2024: a new Sharif era?

    Since Imran Khan’s mess-ups are not as forgivable as the wrongs done by Nawaz Sharif circa 99 , the rejuvenation of the Sharif family’s era...

  • November 03, 2023

    The economy under Nawaz — a review

    The then-Chinese Premier Li Keqiang gestures near the then-PM Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif before a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the...

  • October 14, 2023

    Is a new party needed?

    Former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has repeatedly mentioned that there is room for a new political party. There are many opinions about this...

  • October 05, 2023

    The Sharif legacy?

    In the 1992 American elections, Bill Clinton’s strategist and adviser James Carville would get questions on what Clinton would do to beat such a...

  • May 12, 2022

    Why did Imran Khan fail?

    Imran Khan’s background as a superstar cricketer and a philanthropist surely made him really popular but being a competitor at the highest level...