Monday February 17, 2025
Belen Fernandez

  • December 12, 2022

    Crypto tyrant

    On December 3, Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador who is also a Bitcoin influencer and the self-dubbed “coolest dictator in the world”,...

  • September 27, 2022

    Zionist cinema

    Over a period of two days just outside Beirut in September 1982, Israeli-backed Lebanese militiamen slaughtered up to 3,500 Palestinian refugees and...

  • August 02, 2022

    US gun violence

    On July 27, two top executives from prominent US gun companies – Marty Daniel of Daniel Defense and Christopher Killoy of Sturm, Ruger and Co –...

  • July 08, 2022

    Another massacre

    On the morning of Monday, July 4, as the United States was gearing up for its 246th annual celebration of independence from Britain, the National...

  • July 06, 2022

    So much for independence

    Every year on July 4, to much fanfare and revelry, the United States marks its 1776 independence from Britain.The date is also an official holiday...

  • June 08, 2022

    Forty years on

    The front cover of the 1982 American University of Beirut yearbook features a black and white sketch of a campus building, foregrounded by a dozen...

  • May 27, 2022

    The American nightmare

    In his official remarks on the May 24 elementary school massacre in Uvalde, Texas – during which 18-year-old gunman Salvador Ramos killed 19...

  • May 24, 2022

    Not a laughing matter

    Everyone has by now heard about the latest gaffe by former United States president and unconvicted war criminal George W Bush, father of the 2003 US...

  • May 10, 2022

    Gun epidemic

    While in Havana this past February, I made the acquaintance of a man in his mid-fifties, who hailed from the eastern Cuban province of Guantanamo...

  • April 18, 2022

    Migrant issue

    Back in December 2020, the Independent reported that Chris Philp – the then UK parliamentary under secretary of state and minister for immigration...

  • February 01, 2022

    Face-first into dystopia

    Flying into Dallas Fort Worth International Airport from Mexico in December, I queued in the immigration line for US citizens and was taken aback...

  • January 03, 2022

    An epidemic

    The other day in Mexico, I fell into conversation with an older gentleman from Virginia who had recently lost a brother to cancer. Choking up as he...

  • October 27, 2021

    Lessons for today

    In November of last year, The Washington Post reported that, nearly nine months after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States,...

  • October 13, 2021

    Fascism continues

    Despite ostensibly distinguishing between refugees who are actually fleeing war and other allegedly less deserving categories of migrant, the League...

  • October 09, 2021

    The blackout

    While the effective substitution of social media for life has certainly become normalised – and even more so courtesy of the coronavirus pandemic...

  • August 14, 2021

    Out of bullets

    Some years ago, my estranged grandmother – a psychologically unstable resident of Florida and a devout believer in the right to bear arms –...

  • July 30, 2021

    A plea for freedom?

    The US corporate media as a whole have been less than serious in their coverage of recent events in Cuba – to the extent that many outlets have...

  • June 19, 2021

    War on drugs?

    US hypocrisy is as old as the nation itself, but the whole ‘drug war’ constitutes its own special level of hypocritical overdose. As the...

  • May 25, 2021

    Israel’s propaganda war

    On May 14, the official Twitter account of the Israeli military tweeted a “pop quiz” video, inviting viewers to “imagine” that they...

  • April 23, 2021

    Crackdown on migrants

    In mid-March, Reuters reported that Mexico would “restrict movement on its southern border with Guatemala to help contain the spread of...

  • March 24, 2021

    Patriarchal pandemic

    Shortly after the onset of the pandemic here in Mexico last year, femicides and calls to domestic violence hotlines soared. Mexican President...

  • February 10, 2020

    Traumatised world

    In early January, as the world waited to see whether the United States’s addiction to carnage and destruction would lead to all-out war with Iran,...

  • June 29, 2019

    Total surveillance

    When I was a child, I used to dream of growing up to live in a magical world where my every move would be monitored by cameras tracking my identity,...

  • February 01, 2019

    America’s addiction

    As part of a crackdown on corruption and crime, Mexico’s new president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has revamped the national fuel distribution...

  • January 05, 2019

    Capitalism kills

    Hitchhiking through Venezuela some years ago, a friend and I availed ourselves of the novel opportunity to receive free medical care at health...

  • December 20, 2018

    Barbed wires

    During a Thanksgiving Day teleconference with members of the US armed forces, US President Donald Trump took the opportunity to exult over the...

  • March 24, 2018

    Nature for water

    The theme of this year’s World Water Day – marked annually on 22 March – is ‘Nature for Water’, which, as the website of the United...

  • October 23, 2017

    Time to get civilised

    Every so often in the US, a scandal erupts to temporarily demolish the country’s marketed image as a pioneer in gender equality and related...

  • August 02, 2017

    Competing histories

    As the world has by now been made painfully aware, Donald Trump’s preeminent goal as president of the US is to ‘make America great...

  • April 26, 2017

    Earth Day 2017

    As Earth Day comes around once again this April 22, the powers that be appear rather committed to staying on the self-destructive course. Lest...

  • March 20, 2017

    Border talk

    As Donald Trump’s sordid vision of a “big, beautiful wall” on the US-Mexico border begins to take shape, The Guardian has revealed...

  • December 31, 2016

    Fake news

    The legacies of the year 2016 include the introduction into the popular lexicon of the term “fake news”. To be sure, “fake”...

  • December 02, 2016

    In context

    As of the year 2006, Fidel Castro, Cuba’s revolutionary leader, who has died aged 90, had reportedly been the subject of no fewer...

  • November 02, 2016

    Horror in the Middle East

    In the Iranian city of Isfahan the other day, I chatted with a carpet vendor who had in his possession two carpets woven by Afghan refugees in...

  • September 22, 2016

    Radicalised nation

    Of course, if you appear to be a Muslim these days in New York and the greater US, chances are you’ve got plenty of valid fears – such...

  • September 05, 2016

    Disappearing people

    Back in 2012, in the southern Peruvian city of Ayacucho I found myself carrying a small white coffin containing the remains of a man named Alejandro...

  • January 05, 2016

    Mass deportation

    On the final page of my friend Juan’s Mexican passport are two words, handwritten in English and in capital letters: ‘Ordered Removed.’ The...