If Sindh earmarks Rs20 million per police station, it will cost only Rs10 billion to make them effective first responders
The federal government has miserably failed to increase its tax-to-GDP ratio to 15 per cent or implement devolution under the 18th Amendmen
A representational image of gavel in a court. — Unsplash/FileThe two main pillars of a viable social contract between citizens and state are a...
PPP intends to use these saved funds on poverty alleviation and hopes to transition Pakistan into a welfare state
In all federations, powers between constituent units are shared on an equitable basis. Powers vested in federal organs are clearly specified in the...
Various views on the appointment of Supreme Court judges have been floating around lately. While adding to the controversy of whether the...
Ultimately, the accountability of the judiciary is a more serious matter than the accountability of the executive branch as the judiciary is not...
Distribution of tax revenue between the federal government and the provinces is based on a simple formula under the 1973 constitution. It has...
The 1973 constitution was a consensus document. It was formulated and agreed by all political parties, and arrived at with great difficulty after...
The recent accountability regime in the form of the National Accountability Ordinance was introduced in 1999 under the Proclamation of Emergency and...
Police reforms have been an important topic of discussion in the country, in an attempt to prevent crime as well as prevent police brutality in...
The issue of new provinces or doing away with the current provinces has bedevilled the nation from 1954, although no Pakistani constitution from...
Furore over the interpretation of Article 149 continues, despite its clear and explicit language that the federal government, in order to exercise...