Monday October 21, 2024
Anjum Altaf
Anjum Altaf

  • May 03, 2022

    SNC: what now?

    We have another opportunity to take a hard look at the Single National Curriculum that was implemented for grades 1-5 in Punjab and Khyber...

  • December 05, 2021

    SNC: curiouser and curiouser

    I completed a page-by-page review of three model textbooks prepared for the Pre-1 Grade under the Single National Curriculum. I had intended to...

  • March 15, 2021

    Arabic as panacea?

    How convenient it is for people to earn brownie points at the cost of others and with no cost to themselves. The Senate approved, with just one...

  • February 04, 2021

    Language and instruction

    I have to disagree with the opinion on language and the medium of instruction expressed by M Zeb Khan . The writer has identified the key issue but...

  • November 23, 2020

    Language puzzles: Part - II

    The second half of the programme focused on the plight of native languages and asked if they were dying in Pakistan and what might be done to arrest...

  • November 22, 2020

    Language puzzles - Part I

    On November 14, I participated in an event jointly organized by the Ma Boli Centre of the Institute for Art and Culture and the Trust for History,...

  • October 28, 2020

    Not to question why

    As an academic, I welcome the defence of the Single National Curriculum offered by Zulfiqar Ali Shaikh from the Ministry of Education. It provides...

  • October 16, 2020

    Knowledge and power

    Everyone interested in education knows Macaulay and his ‘Minute on Education’, the basis of the English Education Act of 1835, that determined...

  • October 09, 2020

    Language of instruction

    Almost every account of colonialism describes how the colonists planned to use education as a means of stabilizing and strengthening their rule....

  • October 01, 2020

    A better way to teach

    The Single National Curriculum has some very laudable objectives including raising good human beings and promoting inclusiveness and tolerance. It...

  • September 22, 2020

    Fair and fluent

    Neelam Hanif has mounted a passionate defence of English as the medium of instruction but I fear the passion is misspent.Look at the beginning:...

  • September 15, 2020

    No minister, yes minister

    The minister for education has written an opinion defending the Single National Curriculum . It fails in its objectives but I am grateful to the...

  • September 10, 2020

    The pandemic as a learning opportunity

    The Covid-19 pandemic has hit education hard. Schools and colleges have been closed since March which has resulted in a lot of handwringing, with...

  • September 04, 2020

    Political economy of the SNC

    As an educationist, I am appalled by the Single National Curriculum. As a Pakistani, I am disappointed but not surprised.I have articulated my...

  • August 29, 2020

    What’s wrong with the SNC?

    The writer is a former dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at LUMS.Before I list my problems with the Single National Curriculum ,...

  • August 23, 2020

    Education: a proposal

    Frankly, the Single New Curriculum is so absurd that one would have to be a masochist to wade through its details. Trust our governments to come up...

  • August 18, 2020

    Need for evidence

    Official figures suggest that the pandemic has abated in Pakistan. This is welcome news but we need to be sure. It would be unfortunate either if...

  • August 14, 2020

    The SNC needs to be reconsidered

    At its most basic, education has two dimensions – what is taught and how it is taught. Everyone would agree that the most excellent content can be...

  • August 09, 2020

    The downward spiral

    The mandate of the Higher Education Commission should now be to save higher education in Pakistan but quite aside from the fact that past actions...

  • June 17, 2020

    Epidemics within epidemics

    The coronavirus pandemic is bad enough but, as dozens of countries have demonstrated, it can be controlled – there were just three new cases in...

  • June 01, 2020

    Count the dead

    The relatively low number of Covid-19 deaths reported in South Asia continue to puzzle analysts. While the low numbers might be true for reasons yet...

  • April 10, 2020

    A test of leadership

    Every single person is at risk – even Prince Charles and Boris Johnson have tested positive – which makes this a crisis unprecedented in living...

  • November 12, 2019

    Life without sunshine

    For weeks we have not seen the sun in Lahore. There is light without sunshine, diffused as through a dull haze. And we are trudging along as if this...

  • December 09, 2018

    Miseducating Pakistan

    Education is a big-ticket item. Clarity is needed about its relationship with economic growth and development before betting the house on it....

  • September 27, 2018

    The morning after

    It is a fact that few outside Pakistan consider the most recent electoral exercise to have been even-handed. Even partisans benefiting from the...

  • April 04, 2017

    Silly season in Pakistan

    The last shred of doubt regarding the reality of climate change should have been removed by the unnaturally early arrival of the silly season. One...

  • March 19, 2017

    Questions on CPEC

    Has there been a fruitful line of inquiry regarding the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ? This largely depends on the questions with which one...

  • April 02, 2016

    A toothless tiger?

    I had proposed a civil society initiative to constitute a People’s Planning Commission as a possible check on wasteful expenditures of public...

  • March 25, 2016

    Taj Mahal and the Planning Commission

    The Taj Mahal was the nub of the argument in a recent opinion piece by Dr Nadeem ul Haque on the Planning Commission: ‘Should we have a...

  • March 11, 2016

    Clarity on language

    One can agree with most things Pervez Hoodbhoy says on language and yet be left with the impression that he has painted with so broad a brush as to...