I have all that I requested

July 30, 2023

I have all that I requested


inead O’ Connor passed away last week. And while the last decade wasn’t the kindest to her, she has been an icon since she became a part of the collective conscious. Sinead O’ Connor can be viewed in snippets: the striking cover of and video for Prince song,

I have all that I requested

‘Nothing Compares 2 U’, her lack of regard for what women in the entertainment industry were expected to look like, a huge political statement against the Catholic church before much attention was paid to it.

Whether conscious decisions or not, O’ Connor wanted to start the debate, the research, the relooking at self. And to top it all off, she literally sounded like a choir in a dream you once had.

Thank you, Sinead O’ Connor, nothing does compare 2 U. 

I have all that I requested