Tuesday February 18, 2025

Afghan traders want apples exempted from sales tax

By Syed Bukhar Shah
September 29, 2021

PESHAWAR: The Afghan traders have welcomed the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) decision to end sales tax on the import of fresh fruit from Afghanistan but deplored that apples have not been included in the list.

“Prime Minister Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has provided relief to the Afghan traders and people but excluding apples from the list of exemption is strange,” said Naeemur Rehman, chairman, Pakistan Businessman Unity.

“The apple production season has started. It is the fruit which will go rotten if it is not timely exported,” he said, adding that Afghanistan has no industry to make juices or mixed fruit jam from apples.

“Pakistan could make juices and jam from apples,” said a trader, Zaman who is exporting apples from Afghanistan, adding we can export apples through Iran under compulsion if Pakistan does not provide us this facility. The Afghan traders did not agree with Pakistan’s officials who said apples were also produced in Balochistan. They said there was a great difference between both the apples from Afghanistan and Balochistan.

“Afghanistan produces grapes but we are not worried because it can be changed into five types of kishmish or raisins,” he explained. “We can use raisin for rice dishes, vinegar, medicines, green tea and vegetables and can be saved for years but we can’t save apples for long,” added the traders.

Grapes are produced mainly in North Afghanistan, including Badakhshan, Panjsher. The Afghan traders said the watermelon production season has already passed but the government of Pakistan could provide relief to both the peoples by including apples in the list of fruits enjoying tax exemption.

FBR Chairman Dr Mohammad Ashfaq Ahmed, during a visit to Torkham border along with other officials recently, had said import of fresh fruits from Afghanistan had gained momentum after withdrawal of the sales tax on their import.

He had stated that the sales tax was withdrawn on the request of Sarhad and Khyber chambers of commerce and industries and local importers and custom clearing agents.