

By G.N
Tue, 07, 21

Microcurrent facial treatments are in vogue among beauty conscious women. They are one of the best ways to take care of your skin and maximise your natural beauty. In this regard, You! talks to Dr Mariyum Amin, a Karachi-based cosmetic dermatologist…


Facials are rejuvenating, but only when chosen wisely. Facials are a combination of different techniques and treatments to achieve a certain result like brightening or smoothing the skin. Facial treatments are often seen as a luxury reserved for special occasions; however, many people fail to realise that facials can be an impactful part of a regular skin care routine as well. Professional facial treatments or microcurrent facials will help you achieve clear, younger-looking and can reduce fine lines and wrinkles, erasing years from your appearance without any downtime. We hear about a new facial treatment every other day. With all the trendy celebrity facials and skincare routines, it can be challenging to decide what kind of facial is right for you. This week You! talks to Dr Mariyum Amin, a cosmetic dermatologist at 3D Lifestyle which is a medical aesthetic treatment centre, who tells about microcurrent facials and how effective they are…

You! What’s the difference between a dermatologist and an aesthetician?

Dr Mariyum: While both focus on the skin, dermatologists are medical doctors that specialise in skin health and treatment. Aestheticians, also called skincare specialists, focus primarily on the appearance of the skin. They usually work in conjunction with dermatologists and perform cosmetic skin procedures.

You! Tell us what actually are microcurrent facials?

Dr M: A micro current facial in its entirety is a step forward towards preventing early signs of ageing, it redefines and enhances your facial definition and lastly boosts collagen which is key towards youthful healthy-looking skin. The best part is, it is absolutely painless.

You! Do you think that microcurrent facials are getting popular among our women?

Dr M: Absolutely, women today are equipped with knowledge and most of our clients have done prior research on the benefits of a microcurrent facial and hence look forward to opt for it.

You! What is the difference between basic facials and microcurrent facials?

Dr M: The key difference is microcurrent facials use a technique to train the facial muscles via a low-grade electrical current whereas, a regular facial does not incorporate a precise electric machine to stimulate collagen. Another difference is that a micro current facial shows instant results where the skin looks and feels firmer, forehead, cheeks and jaw look contoured and toned whereas a regular facial may not give the same results as it follows a basic cleanse, exfoliate, massage, steam, mask and moisturise routine.

You! Is it true that unlike regular, microcurrent facials can only be done by trained aestheticians or dermatologists? Why is this so?

Dr M: I do believe it should be done by a professional as a microcurrent facial is not a regular facial where only bare hands are used; it is in fact done via a precise manner using a machine and the extent to where the pressure points need to be enhanced or lowered are also controlled. For instance, aestheticians will be able to evaluate the skin prior and will therefore know which area needs more focus on. Microcurrent facials are expensive than regular ones but are worth it.

You! How safe are microcurrent facials? Are there any side effects?

Dr M: Microcurrent facials are non-invasive, pain free and overall a safe procedure to consider for quick lasting results. However, it may not be suitable for women with pace makers, herpes simplex and people with severe acne. Hence, a consultation from a professional aestheticians or dermatologist would be a wise decision.

You! Do microcurrent facials really work?

Dr M: Yes, a lot of things work if you are consistent with them. You can see results from the very first treatment, but of course like everything else it’s better to get multiple treatments with timely intervals to see optimum results that are long lasting.

You! Can you define some of your most popular microcurrent facials?

Dr M: Red carpet collagen facial, which basically uses radio frequency sessions, is one of our most popular treatments at 3D lifestyle. It is a 30 to 40 minutes procedure which deep cleanses the skin then exfoliates the dead skin and uses radio frequency to tighten the skin non-surgically. It not only tightens but also gives a very youthful glow to the skin and is recommended for all age groups.

We have two extensive hydrafacials. Both of our hydrafacials cleanse, extract, and hydrate the skin with zero irritation and targets many of the most common skincare concerns like dry, dull and oily skin, they rejuvenate and improve the vibrancy of skin tone and treat uneven skin texture.

Our 3D Ultraglow facial is just like a mini hydra facial and is for people who don’t have much time at hand but still want to fix their skin concerns and are looking for an instant glow.

You! What is your personal favourite facial?

Dr M: I love the hydrafacial. Since my skin texture is on the dry spectrum so it is always in need for some hydration, thus the 3D HydraFacial comes to the rescue by providing hydration and removing dead skin.

You! Can you share some skincare tips with our readers?

Dr M: For beginners, I would say please use a sunscreen/sunblock. Sunscreen will help you prevent early signs of aging. People often ask, ‘which is the best sunblock that we should invest in’, and I only answer, ‘the best sunblock is the one you will use every day’. Once you have incorporated a sunblock in daytime, then start a night time routine. And always remove makeup before going to bed.

You! Any advice you would like to give to our readers?

Dr M: Never hesitate in seeking help for skin problems even when you think it’s a very small thing. A lot of things can be prevented by early detection from a professional. Do not use substandard products as they do more harm than good. A lot of times we get patients with severe problems like skin thinning as they have used steroid creams just to treat simple zits! Please visit a professional.