
A home with memorabilia

By Hafsah Sarfraz
Tue, 06, 20

This week You! takes a look at Ayesha Kamil’s home filled with memorabiliaand beautiful memories….


In times like these when we are all quarantined at home and there’s nowhere to go, when travel seems like a thing of the past and going out for Sunday brunch is not only impossible but a scary thought, the only thing that brings us peace and happiness is our home.

Social distancing and staying home has reminded us of the importance of a well-decorated space and a nicely curated home. It has become more important than ever to have an environment that creates hope in your heart, reminds you of the great times in the past and assures you that there will be better days ahead. A home that does all of that while giving you the confidence that you’ll explore the world and go on adventures again one day and it will be right here waiting for you to come and add all those memories to its charm is the need of the hour.

But, how do you do that? Let’s find out by venturing into the home of Ayesha Kamil, a fashion design graduate and a homemaker. Ayesha’s home is a memoir to the best memories of her life. It’s a reflection of her art, aesthetic and the efforts she has put in to curate a beautiful space. While different people have different ways to decorate homes – some use ornaments, others use decoration pieces or flowers, Ayesha believes that there is a distinct charm in filling a home with memorabilia and souvenirs that remind you of the good times in the past and fill your heart with hope of a better tomorrow during challenges.

She doesn’t have a particular design philosophy. “Every room in this house has a different vibe and so had been done accordingly, like our living area is a big space with two relatively small windows so we decided to keep it all white with tweaks of colour here and there. Similarly, my master bedroom gets most of the sunlight so it has more comfy and cozier feel to it,” says Ayesha while speaking to You!

A big fan of white and beige, Ayesha believes keeping neutral colour palette as your base gives you more room to play around with other colours in the form of art and accessories.

She is also fond of using vintage and antique pieces at her place and like most things in life, there’s a story behind this. “When my husband and I moved to Karachi, the portion of house we rented was our first independent home together. We had to buy everything from scratch. Karachi is a big market for refurbished furnisher, so slowly we started adding a piece or two as and when it was required. Most of these were bought during the span of four years we were there. I love classic designs as they never go out of fashion and one can never determine specific time or era they belong to,” adds Ayesha.

Homes that have a collection of keepsakes give a personalised and unique charm. Ayesha’s space is just like that. “My husband and I both love to travel. Whenever we travel, we bring back different kinds of souvenirs from fridge magnets to ceramic spoon rests and crockery, cushion covers, or artwork by local artists,” she shares.

For Ayesha, travel keepsakes or souvenirs not only add beauty and charm to one’s house and surrounding but are also close to one’s heart. They are a constant reminder of the places you’ve trotted around the globe.

One of the most striking parts of the decor at Ayesha’s place is her travel/photo wall. This wall has framed photographs from the couple’s first trip together in 2009 and all their trips till 2018. “We still have to add photographs to it from our last trip in September. I love how it has evolved over the years and makes me smile every time I walk by it,” tells Ayesha.

When asked how she chooses paintings and artwork for her space, Ayesha tells the scribe that it’s an amalgamation of all sorts of art work that they like; mostly cityscapes. “We have collected art work from our travels, then we have painting of few of our Pakistani painters and teachers. I like to paint myself also, so all of the calligraphies in the house are done by me. Three of the oil painting in the lounge are also my creations,” adds Ayesha.

While this shows how art can influence the decor of one’s home, Ayesha is also a firm believer of using natural influence and plants to the space. She has added flowers and real plants in most rooms and even bathrooms. She believes that they add life to spaces and make them feel closer to nature.

Although a great source of inspiration for everyone, Ayesha believes that everyone should follow their personal instinct when it comes to setting their space. “There are no fix rules in design, so do your own thing, be happy and comfortable in your space. One can always derive inspirations from certain styles but at the end of the day a home should be a place where one can unwind and be yourself,” concludes Ayesha.