Summers are here and so are mangoes. Known as the king of fruits, mango is one of the most popular....
Summers are here and so are mangoes. Known as the king of fruits, mango is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavour, fragrance and taste, In addition to being sumptuous, pulpy and amazing, mangoes pack a host of health benefits too. They are rich in potassium and magnesium and are a great remedy for high blood pressure. Mangoes are vitamin powerhouses, rich in B-vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Here are some health benefits of mangoes you may not have known.
High in antioxidants: Powerful antioxidants in mangos can help neutralise free radicals throughout the body and help prevent heart diseases, premature aging, cancer, and many other degenerative diseases.
You would be surprised to know that an average sized mango contains up to two-third of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C. The powerful antioxidant helps boost immunity system and prevents flu.
Good for your eyes: Gorge on those mangoes because they are very good for your eyesight. Rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene, a cup of this fruit will cover one-quarter of your daily requirement. They also reduce age-related degeneration of the eyes.
Helps in digestion: The digestive enzymes in mangoes work to promote natural, efficient digestion. The bioactive ingredients in mangoes like esters, terpenes, and aldehydes contribute in enhancing appetite, and also improve the function of the digestive system.
Useful in pregnancy: Mangoes are beneficial for pregnant women given their iron content. Doctors often prescribe prenatal vitamins or iron tablets during pregnancy, however, mangoes may help you supplement a healthy diet. The taste buds during pregnancy usually lose some of their sensitivity, so mangoes will surely prove to be the delight of your day, more than just its health benefits.
Clean & clear skin: Having mangoes in moderation is the key to a good skin. Mangoes are filled with skin-friendly vitamin C and Vitamin A, both of which are crucial for healthy skin and skin repair. Mangoes, eaten in moderation are also known to exfoliate and eliminate dead pores. Mangoes also protect the skin from UV rays damage.
A natural skin cleanser: Mangoes help unclog pores and add freshness to your face. All you have to do is place thin slices of mango on your face for 10-15 minutes and wash your face. Repeat this quick procedure every day to see immediate results. You can use mango as a body scrub by making a paste of mashed mango, milk and honey. Your skin will feel more tender and smooth after a rejuvenating scrub.
Reduce acne: Mangoes are thought to be an effective homemade remedy for treating acne. They combat acne and clear up clogged pores by reducing the secretion of oil on the skin. To enjoy this benefit, there is no need to eat them every day; you need to remove the pulp and apply it on the skin for around 10 minutes, then rinse it off.
Slow signs of aging: Mangoes are jam-packed with several anti-aging nutrients that can help slow the signs of aging. One cup of mango also supplies about 75 per cent of the daily minimum vitamin C intake. This nutrient is needed to produce collagen, a type of tissue that gives skin its elasticity and helps prevent wrinkles and sagging.
Great for your hair: Mangoes are also great for your hair because they contain vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair. Adequate intake of vitamin C, found in just 1 cup of mango per day, is needed for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to skin and hair.
Promote brain function: Considered one of the best brain foods, mango nutrition is packed with vitamin B6, which is essential for maintaining brain function. Vitamin B6 and other B vitamins are also crucial for maintaining the function of brain neurotransmitters and aid in supporting a healthy mood as well as regular sleep patterns. With mangoes as a part of your diet, you can be assured of a healthy brain and effective nerve functioning. The glutamine acid content in mangos also improves concentration and memory.
Boost immunity: Your immune system is your body’s first line of defence against unwanted invaders and has everything to do with keeping you healthy. The generous amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A in mangoes, plus 25 different kinds of carotenoids keep your immune system healthy and strong.
Lowers cholesterol: Mangoes are reputed to lower cholesterol in the body due to a high amount of fibre and vitamin C. They are rich in pectin which is a compound made famous because of its serum cholesterol reducing abilities. It is also good for those who suffer from high blood pressure as it has high amounts of potassium.
The fibre, potassium, and vitamin content in mangoes all help to ward off heart disease.
Combined with the low sodium levels as well as high amounts of potassium and B vitamins, mango nutrition may help keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Mangoes and Diabetes: Despite its sweet taste and high sugar content, some studies have revealed that mangos may positively impact those with diabetes. They have a low Glycemic index which means that they release sugar into the blood slowly. This avoids sudden spikes in the blood glucose which helps diabetics.
It was a long-told myth that diabetics should avoid mangos because of the sweet taste and high sugar content; now some research supports the fact that the compound mangiferin - in both mango fruit and leaves - possesses anti-diabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and antiatherogenic properties.Place 10 or 15 mango leaves in warm water and close it with a lid before going to bed. In the morning, drink the water on an empty stomach after filtering the leaves. Regular practice of this method has shown positive results in the management of blood sugar levels of diabetics. Hence, mango is one fruit that those with high blood sugar can also eat without worrying.