

By You Desk
Tue, 03, 17

I am a 20-year-old girl studying in one of the prestigious universities of Karachi. I have two older sisters who are both very beautiful, but unlike them I am not fair.

Dear Nadine,

I am a 20-year-old girl studying in one of the prestigious universities of Karachi. I have two older sisters who are both very beautiful, but unlike them I am not fair. In fact, I am quite dark. People who meet me for the first time comment on the fact that I am different from my sisters. Unfortunately, I love food and am slightly overweight. I am also doing BS but am just an average student. A senior guy in my university became a good friend because we were both in our tennis team. We were getting on quite well till he met one of my sisters. The next thing I knew was that his mother called my mother to propose for my elder sister. I just can’t attract anyone when my sisters are there. What should I do to compete with them?

Worried Girl

Dear Worried Girl,

Stop feeling miserable for having a dark complexion. There are many fair complexioned people who are not beautiful and in the same way there are people with dark complexion who look beautiful. And why do you want to compete with your sisters? Everyone has some qualities of their own and when the time is right you will find your match. So, try and break yourself free from such notions. Best of luck!