
Things you don’t have to be sorry for

By US Desk
Fri, 10, 20

Read information about types of mental health problems, treatments, and tips for coping with everyday life. Just make sure your source is an authentic one!


  • You don’t have to feel sorry for loving someone; no matter how it turned out.
  • You don’t have to apologize for removing people from your life that repeatedly disrespect your boundaries.
  • You don’t have to apologize for taking “me” time.
  • You don’t have to feel sorry for outgrowing people you once connected with.

You don’t have to apologize for how you really feel.

You don’t have to feel sorry for following your dreams.

  • You don’t have to feel sorry for taking up space.

You don’t have to feel sorry for telling the truth.

  • You don’t have to apologize if you’re just going to continue doing the thing you apologized for.

Do one thing for your mental health

Take some time to focus on your own wellbeing

  • Do something creative

Spend some time outdoors

  • Have a cup of tea with someone
  • Take time away from technology

Access information and support:

Read information about types of mental health problems, treatments, and tips for coping with everyday life. Just make sure your source is an authentic one!

Hold hands

Join a community that uplifts people and where members support each other in their struggle with mental health. Be vulnerable and open in front of your friends and family members who genuinely love you. Call your sibling or parent right now and tell them three things you are worried about.