
Dazzling DC

By S. A
25 October, 2019

The Defenestrator, a man who carries around a window through which he throws criminals....

The world of DC Comics

1. What does the “DC” in “DC Comics” stand for?

A. Dramatic Comics

B. Dynamic Creations

C. Detective Comics

D. Direct Current

2. What was the name of the comic book publishing company that eventually morphed into DC Comics?

A. Superhero Comics

B. Fantastic Comics

C. American Publications

D. National Comics Publications

3. Who was the first DC superhero?

A. Doctor Occult

B. Shazam

C. Batman

D. Superman

4. Which DC character has made the most appearances?

A. Superman

B. Batman

C. Green Arrow

D. Wonder Woman

DC superheroes

5. Which of these is not a character created by DC?

A. The Defenestrator, a man who carries around a window through which he throws criminals

B. Dog Welder, a hero who welds dead dogs to people’s faces

C. Galaxoid, a woman who can wield galactic objects like meteors and comets

D. Guts, a mass of internal organs arranged in a humanoid shape

6. Who is Aquaman’s archnemesis?

A. Sinestro

B. Black Manta

C. Cheetah

D. Silver Banshee

7. Who won the crossover clash between Marvel and DC?

A. Marvel


C. It was a draw

D. It never happened

8. Fans were given the chance to decide the fate of which character that they then voted to kill off?

A. Harley Quinn

B. Robin

C. Superman

D. Flash


9. Which of these statements about the Joker is not true?

A. He prefers his past to be multiple choice

B. He has super sanity

C. He was originally supposed to die after a few appearances

D. He has a daughter with Harley Quinn

10. Which of these is not one of the Joker’s many nicknames?

A. Mister J

B. Clown Prince of Crime

C. Ace of Knaves

D. Jester of Jeopardy

11. Which Star Wars actor is renowned for voicing the Joker?

A. Adam Drive

B. James Earl Jones

C. Harrison Ford

D. Mark Hamill

12. This is Joaquin Phoenix’s first leading role in a comic book film. Which part did he previously turn down?

A. Thor

B. Hulk

C. Doctor Strange

D. Hawkeye

Answers on page 12

- S.A.