Food – it’s an essential part of your life, but how much do you know about what you eat?
Food – it’s an essential part of your life, but how much do you know about what you eat? Test your foody knowledge and satiate your craving for some scrumptious trivia with our delectable little quiz.
1. In which country was chicken tikka masala invented?
A. India
B. Pakistan
C. Bangladesh
D. United Kingdom
2. What is the world’s favourite fast food item?
A. Burger
B. Sandwich
C. Pizza
D. Fries
3. Which of these is not a variety (cultivar) of mangoes?
A. Neelam
B. Zafran
C. Dopehri
D. Langra
4. How many flowers must honeybees visit to produce 1 pound of honey?
A. 2 thousand
B. 20 thousand
C. 2 million
D. 20 million
5. What is Pakistan’s largest food crop?
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Sugarcane
D. Onion
6. In which country did pasta originate?
A. Italy
B. Greece
C. France
D. China
7. What is the main ingredient in cotton candy?
A. Flour
B. Milk
C. Sugar
D. Eggs
8. “Curry”, the term used to refer to the popular South Asian cuisine, was derived from the Tamil word “kari”, which means:
A. Spices
B. Sauce
C. Savoury
D. Southern
9. When you put it in a bowl of cold water, a fresh egg will:
A. Spin
B. Float
C. Sink
D. Stand on one end at the bottom of the bowl
10. On average, how many animals are killed every day in the world for food?
A. 20 thousand
B. 550 thousand
C. 60 million
D. 400 million
11. Approximately how many teaspoons of sugar are in a can – which is usually 355 ml (12 oz) – of soft drink?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 9
D. 13
12. Paddington 2 is currently busy amusing critics and audiences alike. Which food item is Paddington Bear particularly fond of?
A. Marmite
B. Marmalade
C. Meringue
D. Macarons