

By S.G
Fri, 01, 17

There wasn’t much variety for young viewers, but I enjoyed watching the series on NTM in Pakistan

Debonair and suave

Ahsan Khan

Date of birth and starMY TEENAGE YEARS

9th October, Libra

I was always listening to

Top of the Pops (London)

I was glued to the television for

There wasn’t much variety for young viewers, but I enjoyed watching the series on NTM in Pakistan

My favourite movie was

The Terminator

My favourite actor was

Monica Bellucci

My favourite singer/song

Wake me up by Wham! as that was my eldest sister’s favourite song and was played all the time in the house

My favourite super hero


My favourite book was

A Time to Kill by John Grisham

My room was full of

Music cassettes and film posters

My room walls carried posters of

Jennifer Connelly, Tom Cruise, Guns ‘n’ Roses

My closet was full of

Jumpers and shirts

My first crush was

My English teacher at school

What hurt me the most was

That I wasn’t able to apply for my dream college film school in London

My dream was to become

Who I am today!

I wish I had known then

That things don’t come easy; we should start working for our goals from day one

Relations with siblings were

Very warm and loving

Relations with parents were

I was an obedient child, my mother’s pet! :)

My school was

A place where I spent the best days of my life and realized that I wanted to be an actor

My favourite subject was

English Literature

My least favourite subject was

Social Studies

I couldn’t stand

People who thought they were too intelligent and above others.

My favourite hangout was

Copper Kettle restaurant at Lahore

My favourite food/dish was

Spinach stuffed chicken I guess; loved ghar ka khaana, too, as our cook was an expert in Italian food

My favourite sport was


My favourite pastime was

Watching movies

I learned that

Being positive goes a long way

Advice to younger self

One shouldn’t hesitate to take a step for what one loves