Friday May 10, 2024

Three ways to make grocery shopping easy  

By Sponsored
September 27, 2016

Grocery shopping can be fun or a chore depending on how stressed out you are. But there are ways to make grocery shopping enjoyable, especially if you know that there are rewards to be had. So sit back and read on how to take the hassle out of grocery shopping.

1. Pay with credit card

The best thing about paying with a credit card is that you do not have to worry about running to ATM if you are short of cash. And on most credit cards you get reward points for shopping over a certain amount. Not only that you may just get double reward points on some credit cards. Make sure to check with your bank.

2. Shop with a list

Now that you have cut down the bulk in your wallet and put in a sleek card, you just need one other piece of paper, a good old shopping list. And yes, you may have the Notes function in your Iphone but trust us when we say this, putting pen to paper to make a list is the best way to keep track of what you want. When you have your list on your phone, you are bound to get distracted with notifications and end up buying what you don’t need. A list helps you stay on track and using a pen to tick off items is strangely therapeutic.

3. Buy in bulk

It is best to buy items like toilet paper, milk and oil in bulk because these are fast consumed in your home. And with the rewards program on your credit card, you can be earning some major points on shopping in bulk. So make use of those reward points today.

So there you have it, three simple ways to take the groan out of grocery shopping and make it enjoyable and fun. Happy shopping!