Saturday June 15, 2024

At least three die after US military aircraft crashes amid drills in Australia

"There were a total of 23 personnel on board," US military officials say

August 27, 2023
An Osprey aircraft like the one pictured crashed on a remote island off Australias coast during a drill on Sunday. — AFP/File
An Osprey aircraft like the one pictured crashed on a remote island off Australia's coast during a drill on Sunday. — AFP/File 

SYDNEY: The US military officials said on Sunday that at least three US Marines died after a Boeing MV-22B Osprey helicopter crashed on a remote tropical island north of Australia during war games, according to AFP.

"There were a total of 23 personnel on board," US military officials said in a statement. "Three have been confirmed deceased while five others were transported to Royal Darwin Hospital in a serious condition."

Australian police said they were conducting a preliminary assessment of the injured at the crash site. Rescue efforts were complicated by the location of the crash site -- the remote and sparsely populated Melville Island about 60 kilometres (37 miles) north of the Australian mainland.

"Recovery efforts are ongoing," US officials said, adding that an investigation into the cause of the incident had been launched.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese described the incident as "tragic" and "regrettable" but stressed that authorities were still trying to piece together what happened.

"We want to make sure that any information that is provided is absolutely accurate," Albanese told reporters.

The Osprey — a mix between a helicopter and a plane — was taking part in the Predators Run exercises, a joint series of warfighting drills involving thousands of soldiers from the US and Australia, as well as other militaries such as Indonesia and the Philippines.

Northern Australia has become an increasingly important staging ground for the US military in recent years, as Washington and Canberra work together to counter China's growing clout in the Asia-Pacific region.

Troubled aircraft

The Osprey aircraft has a troubled history, blighted by a string of fatal crashes over the years.

Four US Marines were killed in Norway last year when their V-22B Osprey aircraft went down during NATO training exercises.

Three Marines were killed in 2017 when an Osprey crashed after clipping the back of a transport ship while trying to land at sea off Australia's north coast.

And 19 Marines died in 2000 when their Osprey crashed during drills in Arizona.

The US Army earlier this year temporarily grounded all pilots who were not involved in critical missions, forcing them to complete further training after a series of safety incidents.

Ospreys are rapidly quick tilt-rotor aircraft that combine the features of both helicopters and turboprop planes, according to the US Air Force.

The hybrid aircraft has two swivelling engines positioned on fixed wingtips that allow it to land and take off vertically, but also travel much faster than a conventional helicopter.

Sunday's incident follows a fatal training crash last month, in which four Australians died when their Taipan helicopter plunged into the sea during a series of multinational war games in Queensland.

The Taipan had been taking part in the large-scale Talisman Sabre exercise, which brought together 30,000 military personnel from Australia, the United States and several other nations.

It crashed near the Whitsunday Islands while taking part in a nighttime operation.