Sunday June 16, 2024

Mother of alleged victim levels fresh accusations against BBC presenter

"Shocked to see a picture of him sitting on a sofa in his house in his underwear," says mother

By Web Desk
July 09, 2023
Pedestrians walk past a BBC logo. — AFP
Pedestrians walk past a BBC logo. — AFP

Not long after a scandal around an unnamed BBC presenter soliciting sexually explicit photos from a teenager shocked the world, the purported victim's mother Sunday levelled fresh accusations against the person under question.

The distressed mother has revealed to The Sun that she had seen a photograph of the star in his underwear "from some kind of video call", "ready for my child to perform for him".

Citing the mother, The Sun reported: "I loved watching him on TV. 

"So I was shocked to see a picture of him sitting on a sofa in his house in his underwear." 

She further said she "immediately recognised" him, adding that in the photograph, the presenter was leaning forward, getting ready for my child to perform for him.

"My child told me, 'I have shown things' and this was a picture from some kind of video call."

Allegations against an unnamed presenter surfaced after reports claimed that an unidentified top-rated TV star paid over £35,000 for sexually explicit pictures of the teenager three years ago when they were 17 years old.

The mother of the alleged recipient blames the presenter for her child's addiction to crack cocaine.

While the BBC's website states that staff accused of a serious breach of discipline can be "immediately suspended", it is believed that the presenter is still being paid his full six-figure salary.

After the explosive allegations surfaced Friday, multiple TV presenters, including Gary Lineker, Rylan Clark, and Jeremy Vine, have denied being the unnamed presenter accused of paying a teenager for explicit images.

The alleged victim's mother claimed that the presenter destroyed her child's life.

Reportedly, the family approached the TV network to request that the presenter stop sending money. The teenager, who remains anonymous, went from being a happy-go-lucky teen to a drug addict.

The network has assured that it treats all allegations seriously and has processes to investigate and address them.

The spokesperson for the TV network said: "We treat any allegations very seriously, and we have processes in place to proactively deal with them.

"If we receive information that requires further investigation or examination, we will take steps to do this. That includes actively attempting to speak to those who have contacted us to seek further detail and understanding of the situation.

"If, at any point, new information comes to light or is provided – including via newspapers – this will be acted upon appropriately, in line with internal processes."