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Perfectionists more prone to burnout: expert

According to WebMD, burnout is a type of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling overwhelmed

By Web Desk
December 31, 2022
Woman in Green Dress Sitting on a Chair while in Deep Thoughts.— Pexels
Woman in Green Dress Sitting on a Chair while in Deep Thoughts.— Pexels

A recent study found that burnout can result from stress even at home. 

Perfectionists frequently place a lot of pressure on themselves at work. Because of their own "unrelenting standards," perfectionists are more prone to burnout than the ordinary person, according to Professor Gordon Parker, a clinical psychiatrist at the University of New South Wales. 

It's realistic to argue that many individuals are simply fatigued, both mentally and physically, Parker's team believes, especially with the added stress of the global pandemic and economic problems like inflation.

What is burnout?

According to the study's author, the accumulation of all these recent stressors might quickly result in burnout. In contrast to typical fatigue, burnout symptoms might also include emotional numbness, confusion at home and at work, and constant exhaustion.

Parker points out that there are numerous factors outside of the workplace that can produce stress and lead to burnout, particularly among those who demand perfection. While many studies concentrate on how job-related stress can lead to burnout, Parker argues that there are many other factors as well.

“Most people consider burnout to be extreme tiredness, but in our studies we have found that the symptoms are much more wide-ranging,” Prof. Parker said in a media release.

“People struggling with burnout also suffer from cognitive dysfunction, sometimes known as ‘brain fog’ and disconnection from their friends and family, as well as the more typically-recognized reduced performance in work and tasks around the home.”

According to WebMD, burnout is a type of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling overwhelmed.

"It is a result of excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress," the experts at the site explained. As per the outlet, it is usually associated with work and professional life.

A major sign of a healthy person is that they prioritise themselves when it comes to caring for health. However, if you have burnout, taking care of yourself can become a burden.