Happy New Year!

By Ishrat Hyatt
January 01, 2022

The News wishes its readers a happy New Year. May this coming year bless you with love, peace, and empowerment, because every year is filled with possibilities, so dream big and believe in yourself and most of all let us try to be more tolerant of another’s point of view and live in harmony.


May peace, prosperity and happiness be hallmarks of the year for you and yours, as well as throughout the world, especially after the pandemic that has affected everyone and those countries which have suffered from conflicts and misfortunes of another kind. For those who have suffered the loss of loved ones, may you find solace in the presence of those who are still among you – cherish their presence.

Let’s look forward to a better tomorrow, with the hope that this world of ours will become a better place to live in. To help us along, here’s a beautiful thought to live by and I quote, “One day at a time – this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.”

To make you smile. Today is 1.1. 22, the numbers of a successful rescue service - hoping that no one needs rescuing today!

A very happy New Year!
