People are talking about —

September 27, 2020

-- the handing over of ten paintings by A.J. Shemza, donated to the National Art Gallery (NAG), to a woman claiming to be the late artist’s niece, the first time in history that artwork donated to a national gallery was claimed by an artist’s heirs and given to them. People say while former DG’s are claiming that this mischief was not carried out in their tenure, someone is involved and should be nabbed for causing a loss of millions to the NAG.


-- the banning of plastic bags by the KP and Punjab governments and what an exercise in futility it is, since banning of items is generally disregarded by the public and the administration appears helpless in enforcing these bans. People say banned plastic bags are still being used by small vendors in the capital and the only way the government can stop their use is to shut down factories that manufacture them or give them the choice to make bags of degradable material.

-- the punishments suggested for assaults on women and children that reveal not only a total disregard of the values of civilization but also ignorance of the country’s constitution and its obligations under international treaties. People say unfortunately the prime minister also supported these suggestions that included public hanging and chemical castration, both of which will further brutalize ordinary citizens who are already inclined to use violent means to resolve their issues instead of turning to the right platform.

-- the sad fact that according to the judicial report on the APS attack by militants, that assistance was provided to the fanatics from the inhabitants of locality, an act that is palpable and unpardonable. People say while there may have been a few security lapses, it’s when infidels who are inside commit treachery and betrayal, the result is always devastating because it diminishes and compromises the security apparatus efforts and augments and intensifies the accomplishment of the enemy’s nefarious plan.

-- the banning of certain social media sites that ‘spread hatred and obscenity’ and how some individuals are crying out loud that it is against ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘human rights.’ People say that many parents and right minded persons are happy that action has been taken against these sites and regret that those who maybe have no children, or family members who have suffered abuse and even death because of their availability, are speaking angrily against this action.

-- the refusal by eleven hundred families in Rawalpindi district to get their children vaccinated against polio and how the government can do nothing about this mindset but ask the religious scholars to intervene. People say this is the refusal figure of just one district so it can well be imagined what it will be across the whole country and it is mind boggling that despite evidence that polio can cripple their children these parent’s do not care.

-- the fact that though the government is working to eliminate corruption and big fish are being nabbed, it is almost impossible to curb it on the lower level as most departments have persons who only oblige when an ‘under the table’ deal takes place. People say tasks like getting meters installed; plans for buildings passed; requests for connections of utilities; land and house transfers etc.: can be expedited with such deals and no one complains because then nothing is ever done. – I.H.
