Nail fungus

If you frequent public showers or pools and don’t always don your shoes, you may be more prone to nail fungus, a condition medically known as onychomycosis.The Mayo Clinic says common symptoms include nails that are:Health Tips* Unusually thick.* Crumbly and brittle.* Ragged.* Dull with no shine.* Abnormally shaped.* Unusually

By our correspondents
October 06, 2015
If you frequent public showers or pools and don’t always don your shoes, you may be more prone to nail fungus, a condition medically known as onychomycosis.
The Mayo Clinic says common symptoms include nails that are:
Health Tips
* Unusually thick.
* Crumbly and brittle.
* Ragged.
* Dull with no shine.
* Abnormally shaped.
* Unusually dark.

