‘Danger of earthquake mere rumour’

By our correspondents
October 11, 2016



Director of National Seismic Monitoring Cell of Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) Zahid Rafi has said that they have been continuously monitoring the seismic activity and according to the latest data there is no active fault-line beneath the Margallah Hills. “Many rumours are being spread by various quarters especially in the month of October about any danger of a massive earthquake but we can say on the basis of the latest data that no unusual seismic activity has been recorded in the capital city,” he said.

Margallah hills are a part of geosynclinals trough known as Indo-Gangetie synclinorium with an ENE-WSW axial trend. In the area various geological formations are exposed and they widely range from Precambrian to Holocene in age.
