Homeopathy a reliable low-cost alternative medicine system

By our correspondents
August 28, 2016



The need for the promotion of homeopathy as a reliable yet low-cost system of alternative medicine was stressed during a seminar organised at a local hotel by Dr. Willmar Schwabe Germany company, the pioneer and world leader in homoeopathic pharmaceutical research and manufacturing, on Friday night.

The Jang Group of Newspapers had collaborated with the organiser for holding the ‘Schwabe Health Seminar’ where noted professors, students and practitioners of homoeopathic system of medicine along with traders of homoeopathic medicines, especially Dr. Willmar Schwabe distributers and dealers, showed up in large numbers.

Dr. Hamid General Homeo Limited and Darul Adviat, the sole distributors of Dr Willmar Schwabe products in the country, were the co-hosts of the event.

The Schwabe Health Seminars have been held in different cities of the country at regular intervals since 2013.

The speakers highlighted the benefits of homoeopathy, efficacy of homoeopathic medicines and the contribution made by Dr. Willmar Schwabe to the research and manufacturing of homoeopathic medicines over the last 150 years.

Head of the economic section at the German Embassy, Islamabad, Kai Mueller was the guest of honour at the seminar, which formally stood open following the recitation from the Holy Quran, the rendering of ‘naat’ and the playing of Pakistan and Germany’s national anthems.

There followed the showing of a video message of the Dr Willmar Schwabe president in which he said his organisation had been making homeopathic medicines for more than one and a half centuries and had a presence in Pakistan for around 60 years.

He said the company would continue striving to ensure the best possible patient care in the world.

Chief executive of the Dr Hamid General Homeo Limited Dr Enamul Haq said homeopathy was not only a system of alternate medicine but also a doctrine and therefore, its practitioners won't be able to successfully treat patients until they understood its philosophy and principles.

He said it was unfortunate that some people practiced homeopathy without proper education and training and thus, earning bad name for the reliable yet low-cost system of alternative medicine.

Dr Enamul Haq said such quacks should be dealt with strictly.

Noted homeopath and Society of Homoeopaths Pakistan general secretary Dr Banaras Khan Awan urged homeopathic practitioners to use authentic medicines like Schwabe only saying the use of substandard medicines was shattering the people’s confidence in homeopathy by and large.

Other speakers, especially Pakistan Hahnemann Academic Organisation president Dr Zubair and Amir Hussain of Darul Adviat, highlighted the significance of homeopathic medicines in modern times and said homeopathy offered reliable yet low-cost treatment of deadly diseases like dengue fever and Congo virus.

They praised Dr. Willmar Schwabe for excellent homeopathic research and manufacturing over the years and said the company had valuable contributions to the promotion of homeopathy in the country.
