World War Three will be triggered by THIS event

It will be the "most serious thing for next coming 2 years", Craig Hamilton-Parker says

By Web Desk
April 15, 2024
Foreteller claims his prediction came true about death of Queen Elizabeth.— AFP/File

As the uncertainty around the world has increased, with geopolitical rivalries on the rise, a soothsayer who claimed that his earlier predictions had come true, revealed how World War Three would occur and when.

Craig Hamilton-Parker, who is currently known as a new Nostradamus, claimed that his true predictions included the death of Queen Elizabeth.


He told the Daily Star that a collision between two planes or two submarines would trigger World War Three in 2024 and this would be taking place in Taiwan, which would also involve Russia and China.

He said that it would become the "most serious thing for the next coming two years".

The foreteller noted: "I've been saying for some time that I felt that would be a conflict over Taiwan, which I think is going to happen this year. I think we're going to get an accidental conflict in some respects because we're going to have something like a [freak collision or incident].”

The tensions around Taiwan and the South China Sea have been on the rise as Beijing claims territoriality on the waters and considers the island its integral part which it would take control by every means necessary.

The US is supporting Taiwan which means Washington will also get involved and it would be bigger than Ukraine Russia war.

The new Nostradamus also predicted that a "great war" could take place soon.

However, he did not provide any specific dates of the events.
