Saturday February 15, 2025
Umer Gilani
Umer Gilani

  • December 13, 2022

    Against ‘liberal interpretation’

    In the world of constitutional law, differences of interpretation make all the difference. Take, for instance, the issue of federal-provincial...

  • January 15, 2022

    Beyond naval farms

    The science of the law is not advanced by coining entirely new concepts – because that, in the world of law, would be heresy.This doesn’t mean...

  • August 24, 2021

    ‘Master’ and ‘servant’

    If you think I’m going to dwell in this piece upon the relationship between our executive and alleged ‘selectors’, you’re totally mistaken....

  • November 02, 2020

    Grassroots democracy

    About two years ago, when Prime Minister Imran Khan was elected, in his first speech to the nation, he promised to foster a culture of grassroots...

  • August 09, 2020

    Administrative federalism

    The 7th recital of the preamble of our constitution promises that Pakistan shall be a state where the “units will be autonomous”.Roughly...

  • March 23, 2020

    Criminal limitation

    A few weeks back, I had shared my concern in an article in these pages that "most people involved in public life in Pakistan still live in the...

  • February 29, 2020

    Laws for liberty

    Official statistics show that over 66 percent of Pakistan’s total prison population consists of under-trial prisoners. Our average conviction rate...

  • February 28, 2020

    Laws for liberty

    What good is a liberal constitution if it cannot secure the most basic of all liberties: the liberty of person?Seventy-two years after the supposed...

  • January 30, 2020

    Not the auditor’s job

    The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has of late adopted the view that every public institution in Pakistan must get its accounts audited by...

  • November 07, 2019

    Unconstitutional ordinances

    On October 31, 2019, President Arif Alvi promulgated eight new ordinances. These ordinances include three for reforming the civil justice system,...

  • July 21, 2019

    The high court’s woes

    Political commentators tend to think that 'political' cases – the likes of the Avenfield case, the Al-Azizia case and fake accounts case – are...

  • June 09, 2019

    Deliberating a reference

    Two weeks back, unconfirmed news started circulating in the media that the president of Pakistan had filed references before the Supreme Judicial...

  • May 26, 2019

    Citizens or refugees?

    One of the 20th century’s most widely-loved pieces of literature is a song from the 1960s titled ‘Blowing in the Wind’. Authored by Bob Dylan,...

  • May 05, 2019

    Silent coup

    On Monday, April 30, 2019, a slim majority of the Punjab Assembly voted in favour of the Punjab Local Government Bill, 2019. The Punjab governor has...

  • August 19, 2018

    Reengineering the civil service

    The room is packed with an eager audience of journalists. Advocate Khurshid Hassan Meer, newly-appointed minister for establishment of the PPP, is...

  • February 16, 2018

    Judicial activism for judicial reform

    “A judiciary which … is tardy… and has no urge… and ability to decide the cases/disputes before it expeditiously… is a danger to the state...

  • August 02, 2017

    Case in Point: Moving beyond Panamagate

    In January, after the retirement of Chief Justice Jamali, a re-constituted Supreme Court bench began hearing the Panama case. It soon became clear...

  • December 31, 2016

    The pace of justice

    The defining moment of Chief Justice Anwar Zaheer Jamali’s tenure was November 3, 2015, when he stood in the Senate of Pakistan –the...

  • December 03, 2016

    Paying for democracy

    On November 23, 2016, the federal cabinet approved a proposal for giving members of parliament a pay raise. The total salary of parliamentarians...

  • November 01, 2016

    The high court of men

    As Hilary Rodham Clinton stands waiting on the gates of the White House, ready to occupy a throne never before occupied by women, thoughtful people...

  • October 27, 2016

    Afghan ‘refugees’

    For many months now, the interior ministry has been repeatedly vowing to throw out two million human beings – an inhumane policy that is...

  • September 21, 2016

    The rights of the refugee

    At the UN Headquarters in New York, politicians from across the globe are gathering this week. On the agenda is the worst refugee crisis since the...

  • September 13, 2016

    The power of the cabinet

    Sometimes the most significant cases receive very little commentary. That seems to be the fate of Mustafa Impex and Others v The Federation decided...

  • February 09, 2016

    No more judges, please

    Last year, Pakistan’s former chief justice, Justice Jawwad S Khawaja, showed the bar and the bench a mirror when he announced the results of...

  • January 14, 2016

    The Senate speaks

    The committee report that emerged from the Senate on December 30, 2015 was meant to be a plan for revamping our ailing justice system. But the...

  • October 09, 2015

    Burying the doctrine of elite necessity

    The writer is a lawyer associated with Foundation for Fundamental Rights.The Supreme Court’s decision in Kaukab Iqbal v The Federation, a petition...

  • March 30, 2015

    A day revisited

    For many of us, March 23 brings back the fondest memories of childhood. Every year, on this day, as soon as I could haul myself out of bed, I would...

  • January 16, 2015

    Whose will is it anyway?

    Our autocratic civilian rulers got over their usual squabbling and came together to whizz through parliament two important statutes: the...