In other words, in possibly welcome change, PTI is playing healthy role inside parliament that of being opposition
We also have cases where people wait for years just to become actual citizens
Of course, one key element in all this is sorely lacking in Pakistan – and that is counselling
Fact is that let alone Pakistan, Trump hasn’t really spoken much for any South Asian country, not even India
A common thing that happens in Pakistan is tendency for young children to go to bed very late, even on school night
This system fosters and places premium on VIPs, facilitating VIP culture, which is alive and kicking
Everyone in Karachi is billed monthly for water, but many never get this water
Government decided to crack down decisively with result protest was over by early morning on Nov 27
Govt should prioritise developing public transport solutions that are both sustainable and use technology with low emissions
Pak-American Public Affairs Committee , endorses Trump, while ignoring his strident anti-Muslim stance
Govts need to realise that hundreds of millions of people on both sides of do not want permanent state of hostility and wouldn't mind visiting other...
Such blind devotion is also found in other parts of the world, especially with larger-than-life populist leaders
If anything, over years PTA has become arbiter of public morality, censoring content on internet as it sees fit
During this period, many sections of society have come forward and made complaints
There’s nothing more high stakes than former ISI DG being hauled up in military custody and being court-martialled
However, the Bangladeshi government’s handling of the protests badly backfired
Trump has been leading on most opinion polls, particularly since the debate that badly exposed Biden
Number of tax filers in all of Pakistan is less than five million
Bosnia is probably the only Muslim-majority country in mainland Europe
Imran Khan has now formally given the go-ahead to talk to other political parties
PPP has also distanced itself from this law and abstained from voting